Keith Addison wrote:


As opposed to your version, which is, just what? Follow the rules, rules made by whoever? "Trust us we're experts"?

And let's not lose sight of one fact. How did the so called experts get to be experts? Such knowledge did not come down from heaven on wings but through a legacy of lessons learned from mistakes made along the way. But it is true we can profit from that knowledge so long as it is disseminated properly. The JTF website does a pretty good job of warning potential biofuelers of the steps to be taken to ensure a reasonable amount of safety. I think a great deal of common sense is still required on the part of the biofueler to pull it off. The problem is that what a person who has worked around labs for years might consider common sense may be very surprising to a person of a different background. At the end of the day we are each responsible for our own actions and choices. There is a great resource of knowledge here collectively and I think a great ethic amongst the list members. If a newbie follows the premise of proceeding slowly with caution and anytime in doubt ask the list it can go a long way toward preventing any calamities.


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