Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:20:41 -0500
From: Garth & Kim Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The New Blue States/Country
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed


If you can tell me how to educate people who do not want to learn, I will
do so. I was extremely active in Literacy Volunteers of America for 12
years. I worked as a trainer in the Brazos Valley and I tried to run a
literacy council in Bedias, where the illiterate rate is over 40%. We had
free tutors available to anyone who wanted one, guess what? No
students! The bank and the post office were telling people that free
lessons were available, but still no students!

We live our philosophy, in big letters and out front. We are trying very
hard for a truly sustainable life and hope that as our place comes
together, people will ask how we are accomplishing this, but you can not
make people with no interest learn. We are slowly getting questions about
the health of our animals and grass, but when we explain, they laugh and
tell us that won't work. The evidence is in front of them, but we must be
lying or something.

I am on-line, and although I haven't had time lately, I do regular rants
about sustainable living, especially about sustainable farming on this
list. Look in the archives. I own and run 2 yahoo lists, both of around
400 people. One on sustainable building and one on renewable energy. Plus
the 20 other lists that I am on and active, sharing what I know and have
learned and learning from others. If that is not being out there trying to
teach, I don't know what you want.

Bright Blessings,

Hello all and Kim,

If the sustainable building list is open I would be interested in joining.  Please send along more info.



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