Development Yields Antifreeze from Biodiesel


Columbia, Missouri [] -
2005-08-18 - In addition to topping off your gas tank
with biodiesel, a new advance could let you fill your
vehicle's cooling system with a biomass-derived

A new process developed at the University of
Missouri-Columbia (MU) creates a valuable secondary
product from the biodiesel manufacturing process that
makes the production cycle both profitable and

Galen Suppes, chief science officer of the MU-based
Renewable Alternatives, developed a process for
converting glycerin, a byproduct of the biodiesel
production process, into propylene glycol, which can
be used as nontoxic antifreeze for automobiles. Suppes
said the new propylene glycol product will meet every
performance standard, is made from domestic soybeans
and is nontoxic.

Suppes said this technology can reduce the cost of
biodiesel production by as much as $0.40 per gallon of
biodiesel. The market for propylene glycol already is
established, with a billion pounds produced a year.

"The price of propylene glycol is quite high while
glycerin's price is low, so based on the low cost of
feed stock and high value of propylene glycol, the
process appears to be most profitable," Suppes said.
"The consumers want antifreeze that is both renewable
and made from biomass rather than petroleum from which
propylene glycol currently is produced."

The creation of a valuable secondary product could
help mainstream the use of biodiesel. In 2004,
biodiesel producers sold 30 million gallons of fuel,
up from 500,000 gallons in 1999. It's still, however,
a relatively niche fuel.

"At best, right now biodiesel production is only part
of the solution," Suppes said. "Current biodiesel
production in the United States is about 0.03 billion
gallons per year as compared to distillate fuel oil
consumption of 57 billion gallons per year."

Renewable Alternatives is currently licensing this
technology to three biodiesel plants. The National
Science Foundation and Missouri Soybean Farmers are
helping to fund the research.

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