Free Speech: Going, Going ...

By Molly Ivins, AlterNet. Posted August 19, 2005.

Corporations' efforts to curb free speech through lawsuits are 
unfortunately succeeding.

Eternal vigilance is the price of ... um, well, guess we can't say 
that anymore. We might get sued.

Mostly when we think of threats to free speech, it's government 
actions or laws we have in mind -- the usual bizarre stuff like 
veggie libel laws or attempts to keep government actions or meetings 
secret from the public.

Sometimes you get a political case, like then-Gov. George W. Bush's 
effort to stop a Bush-parody site on the Internet. The parody, run by 
a 29-year-old computer programmer in Boston named Zack Exley, annoyed 
Bush so much that he called Exley "a garbageman" and said, "There 
ought to be limits to freedom." (That's not a parody -- he actually 
said that.)

Bush's lawyers warned Exley that he faced a lawsuit. Then they filed 
a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission demanding that 
Exley be forced to register his parody site with the FEC and have it 
regulated as a political committee.

This fits in with the four instances in which faculty members at the 
Bush School of Government and Public Service in our fair state were 
reprimanded at the behest of Bush associates for saying 
less-than-glowing things about our then-governor.

But this is petty stuff compared to corporate efforts to curb free speech.

SLAPP suits (for "strategic lawsuits against public participation") 
are a serious menace to free speech. The latest example is a real 
prize: The Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, has 
already spent $10 million defending itself against a lawsuit filed by 
Isuzu Motors Ltd. because, eight years earlier, Consumer Reports 
rated the Isuzu Trooper "not acceptable" for safety reasons. And the 
case has not yet reached trial.

And that is the real menace of SLAPP suits. It's not that 
corporations win them, but that they cost critics so much money that 
the critics are silenced -- and so is everyone else who even thinks 
about raising some question about a corporate product or practice.

Isuzu claims that CU's reports are "not scientific or credible," but 
the company's internal memos state that the "lawsuit is a PR tool" 
and "when attacked, CU will probably shut up." According to a study 
by two University of Denver law professors, "Americans by the 
thousands are being sued, simply for exercising the right to speak 
out on public issues, such as health and safety."

New York Supreme Court Judge J. Nicholas Cobella told PR Watch in 
Madison, Wis.: "The longer the litigation can be stretched out ... 
the closer the SLAPP filer moves to success. Those who lack the 
financial resources and emotional stamina to play out the 'game' face 
the difficult choice of defaulting despite meritorious defenses or 
being brought to their knees to settle. ... Short of a gun to the 
head, a greater threat to First Amendment expression can scarcely be 

PR Watch also quoted George Pring and Penelope Canan, authors of the 
1996 book "SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out."

"Initially, we saw such suits as attacks on traditional 'free speech' 
and regarded them as just 'intimidation lawsuits,'" the two authors 
say. "As we studied them further, an even more significant linkage 
emerged: The defendants had been speaking out in government hearings, 
to government officials or about government actions. ... This was not 
just free speech under attack. It was that other and older and even 
more central part of our Constitution: the right to petition 
government for redress of grievances, the 'Petition Clause' of the 
First Amendment."

Some examples of SLAPP suits from PR Watch:

* In Las Vegas, a local doctor was sued for his allegation that a 
city hospital violated the state's cost-containment law.
* In Baltimore, members of a community group faced a $252 million 
lawsuit after circulating a letter questioning the property-buying 
practices of a local housing developer.
* In West Virginia, an environmental activist was sued for $200,000 
for criticizing a coal-mining company for activities that were 
poisoning a local river.
* In Pennsylvania, a farmer was sued after testifying to his township 
supervisors that a low-flying helicopter owned by a local landfill 
operator caused a stampede that killed several of his cows.
* In Washington state, a homeowner found that she couldn't get a 
mortgage because her real-estate company had failed to pay taxes owed 
on her house. She uncovered hundreds of similar cases, and the 
company was forced to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in back 
taxes. In retaliation, it sued the woman for slander and dragged her 
through six years of legal harassment before a jury found her 
* In Missouri, a high-school English teacher was sued for $1 million 
after complaining to a weekly newspaper that an incinerator burning 
hospital waste was a health hazard.

Unlike the average citizen, Consumers Union has the resources to 
defend itself against the Isuzu suit. It's a nonprofit organization, 
and Consumer Reports accepts no advertising, lest there be any 
appearance of bias, and never grants permission for any commercial 
use of its name or test results.

It accepts no contributions from corporations or law firms or even 
individuals if the check bears a business imprint. The 60-year-old 
magazine is supported by the generations of smart consumers who 
always consult Consumer Reports before making any major purchases.

As we have seen with tort deform, it is not difficult to close off 
access to the courts for certain kinds of lawsuits. I can't think of 
a more meritorious and constitutional cause.

Molly Ivins writes about politics, Texas and other bizarre happenings

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