Have you ever wondered why all oil companies sell barrel oil at the same price ?

Scenario; Could it be that all the oil companies are owned by one parent company? why not most other large companies do the same thing, they will have a offshore corporation who will own an onshore LLC or LTD.

The company I work for does the same thing, the parent company is in Sweden where foreign source profits are non-taxable, meanwhile it's workers onshore are the ones paying taxes, certainly not them, but taxes are a different animal for another discussion group.

A couple other things I do not understand, one ; if we have gained control of a large infrastucture oil producing country why is the price of gasoline still going so high? Did they do this for that objective ?

Last thought.. As supposedly a free country why do we need a license and pay a tax to sell something that comes naturally out of the ground such as biofuel ? It seems that this may be a way to control the cost of that too.

Myk Hill
North Carolina

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