I've become a big fan of Linux too. I plan on having a couple of distributions of Linux on machines in my house. The biggest reason (besides virus protection) is that some of the distributions available, are compatible with computers going back to windows 3.1. In addition, they all come with C compilers. So, I can resurrect old computers to do other useful things like machine control, etc.
Appropriate technologies make use of materials, technologies and skills that are readily available in your community. Since a lot of older computers have a scrap value of near zero, are abundantly available and can be applied to a useful purpose, I think it can arguably be called "appropriate" in that context for the region in which I live. In fact, I think it serves a dual purpose as a measure of conservation - keeping them out of land fills for as long as possible.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mike

>I personally think Open Source dovetails
>nicely with the "let's move beyond allowing giant corporations to rule
>our lives" thread that underpins many homebrewers.

With a few exceptions perhaps, but I agree it's part of the
homebrewers culture, or anti-culture or whatever. This is from a
previous post to the list by Thor Skov:

"I just want to say how important what you all are doing here is (I'm
just an interested bystander). Closed-system fuel production, on a
local or small regional scale, tied to local resources, using
accessible technologies, and dependent on entrepreneurial innovation
combined with open-source information exchange--it's AWESOME. Keep up
the good work everyone, before the planet fries."

We had Open Source technology development in mind when we started the
Biofuel list, but with Appropriate Technology rather than software.
It works very well!

Best wishes


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