Mattew 16:?

Have to go to church in my SUV.  Bye now.

Ian Hodgson wrote:

> Your so right tallex, I would add people of concience need to become 
> more outspoken more public more active if we are to win the wars.
> What wars I think the first war is the battle to save humanity,  we 
> need to sway the mind of MR/MRS Average from that of the self 
> endulgent self centered consumerist. To people who live value centered 
> lives. Then maybe we (the people of the western world) will not be so 
> willing to be bought off by all the things that affect our bottom line 
> ie interest rates and tax cuts, infaltion figures.
> When we are given the price of alternative energies for example, 
> they(politicians) speak as though the environment is at thier disposal 
> to either take into account or not, when your at the accountants you 
> are not allowed to say "don't include the cost of that" yet Bush and 
> my Prime Minister John Howard seem to think they have a right to do 
> that just by, for example, ignoring the Kyoto treaty.
> The bible says what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world 
> but lose his own soul.
> I believe we are in the middle of a great irony we are loosing our 
> souls in an attempt to gain the world but the irony is who will want 
> to live in this world after the worst of humanities greed has finished 
> with it.
> So the first war is for the hearts of the people, then the  second war 
> (to save the plannet) can be won.
> So what am I trying to say, in a nuthell some should be ativists for 
> their beliefs, some should even be prepared to be jailed, some should 
> be educators some letterwritters to papers and some talk on radio some 
> should talk to their children parents relatives and guide them, all 
> should be true to what they know is right and be themselves, and I 
> think if enough people do things like that , maybe enough people will 
> stop voting with thier wallets so that the big changes that we all 
> need can actually happen.
> regards
> Ian
> */"Alt.EnergyNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     Big deal,
>     He cut 2 days off his vacation to do this
>     ...all for the cameras. As noted by others below, he was the one who
>     cut army core of engineers budget
>     for urgent repair on sinking dykes and improvements to flood
>     control systems.
>     He is the one who continues to distort sound science, the problems
>     of global warming and weakening the environmental protection act.
>     As mentioned by others as well, he is the one who has troops, vital
>     rescue equipment in Iraq when needed here NOW.
>     The lack of a well planned rapid advanced response to this
>     disaster is a shame.
>     There are many hard questions that will need answers in the months
>     to come.
>     regards
>     tallex
>     Alternate Energy Resource Network
>     1000+ news sources-resources
>     updated daily
>     -------Original Message-------
>     > From: Greg and April
>     > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
>     > Sent: 03 Sep '05 03:33
>     >
>     > He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New
>     Orleans, and
>     > Mississippi.
>     >
>     > Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.
>     >
>     > Greg H.
>     >
>     >
>     > ----- Original Message -----
>     > From: "Mike Weaver"
>     > To:
>     > Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
>     > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
>     >
>     >
>     > Thanks.
>     >
>     > I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
>     > down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does
>     is a
>     > fly by?
>     > I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get
>     wound up
>     > right now.
>     >
>     > Hakan Falk wrote:
>     >
>     > >Mike,
>     > >
>     > >LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.
>     > >
>     > >Hakan
>     > >
>     > >At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:
>     > >
>     > >
>     > >>Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he
>     promised.
>     > >>
>     > >>Hakan Falk wrote:
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >>>Taryn,
>     > >>>
>     > >>>You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
>     > >>>he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
>     > >>>efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
>     > >>>that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
>     > >>>Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
>     > >>>not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
>     > >>>more in shorter time frame.
>     > >>>
>     > >>>When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
>     > >>>is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
>     > >>>compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
>     > >>>are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
>     > >>>than Orleans.
>     > >>>
>     > >>>Hakan
>     > >>>
>     > >>>
>     > >>>At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:
>     > >>>
>     > >>>
>     > >>>
>     > >>>
>     > >>>>Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with "is there blame?"
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies.
>     Except...I'm not
>     > >>>>sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together
>     again.
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency
>     resources, Bush
>     > >>>>is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda
>     like stupid
>     > >>>>kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I
>     think Katrina,
>     > >>>>and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned
>     Orleans.
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>taryn
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>How New Orleans Was Lost
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>By Paul Craig Roberts
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>09/01/05 "Antiwar" -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans
>     as a cost of
>     > >>>>>Bush's Iraq war.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached
>     levees and
>     > >>>>>rescue
>     > >>>>>people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough
>     Louisiana National
>     > >>>>>Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to
>     patrol against
>     > >>>>>looting.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>The situation is the same in Mississippi.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's
>     mission in Iraq.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical
>     neoconservatives in
>     > >>>>>the Bush
>     > >>>>>administration were determined to invade the Middle East
>     and because
>     > >>>>>incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen
>     to the
>     > >>>>>generals,
>     > >>>>>who told him there were not enough regular troops available
>     to do the
>     > >>>>>job.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that
>     the generals
>     > >>>>>were
>     > >>>>>right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the
>     gaping gaps.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are
>     watching on TV
>     > >>>>>the
>     > >>>>>families they left behind trapped by rising waters and
>     wondering if the
>     > >>>>>floating bodies are family members. None know where their
>     dislocated
>     > >>>>>families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their
>     destroyed
>     > >>>>>homes.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put
>     in place
>     > >>>>>massive
>     > >>>>>sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few
>     > >>>>>helicopters
>     > >>>>>away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water
>     overwhelmed the
>     > >>>>>massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under
>     deep water.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war ­ one of our
>     oldest and most
>     > >>>>>beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S.
>     government had made
>     > >>>>>no
>     > >>>>>preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought
>     catastrophe to New
>     > >>>>>Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the
>     disaster are
>     > >>>>>FEMA
>     > >>>>>and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and
>     > >>>>>equipment to
>     > >>>>>save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and
>     public
>     > >>>>>statements
>     > >>>>>by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear
>     that the
>     > >>>>>Bush
>     > >>>>>administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers'
>     > >>>>>projects to
>     > >>>>>strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted
>     the money to
>     > >>>>>the
>     > >>>>>Iraq war.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson
>     Parish, told
>     > >>>>>the
>     > >>>>>New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): "It appears that
>     the money
>     > >>>>>has
>     > >>>>>been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland
>     security and
>     > >>>>>the war
>     > >>>>>in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody
>     locally is
>     > >>>>>happy that
>     > >>>>>the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything
>     we can to
>     > >>>>>make the
>     > >>>>>case that this is a security issue for us."
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and
>     leave other
>     > >>>>>countries alone? Why are American troops in Iraq instead of
>     protecting
>     > >>>>>our
>     > >>>>>own borders from a mass invasion by illegal immigrants? Why are
>     > >>>>>American
>     > >>>>>helicopters blowing up Iraqi homes instead of saving
>     American homes in
>     > >>>>>New
>     > >>>>>Orleans?
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>How can the Bush administration be so incompetent as to expose
>     > >>>>>Americans at
>     > >>>>>home to dire risks by exhausting American resources in
>     foolish foreign
>     > >>>>>adventures? What kind of "homeland security" is this?
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>All Bush has achieved by invading Iraq is to kill and wound
>     thousands
>     > >>>>>of
>     > >>>>>people while destroying America's reputation. The only
>     beneficiaries
>     > >>>>>are oil
>     > >>>>>companies capitalizing on a good excuse to jack up the price of
>     > >>>>>gasoline and
>     > >>>>>Osama bin Laden's recruitment.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>What we have is a Republican war for oil company profits
>     while New
>     > >>>>>Orleans
>     > >>>>>sinks beneath the waters.
>     > >>>>>
>     > >>>>>
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