Hello Chris,


>and in New Orleans where the victims were largely Black and
>unable to escape a natural disaster unassisted.


and who have shown themselves, in this instance and so many other previous instances of inner-city rioting and looting, to be crazed, uncivilized, america-hating (and therefore american-ideology-of-freedom-liberty-law-and-order-personal-responsibility-and-bootstrap-individualism-hating), evil-doing *people*of*color*.


in other words, there is a level on which, for many americans, the new orleans victims **represent** the enemy which caused 9/11.


What a strange response.  I'm not American, which may add to my surprise at your response.

It seems that you agree that Katrina and what happened during and after are caused by inequalities, but inequalities that are deeper than income.  Inequalities that divide a nation to such an extent that one group can call itself American and the other not.  What nationality would these other people be?


You then say "there is a level on which, for many americans, the new orleans victims **represent** the enemy which caused 9/11".  And the solution?  Send them to Guantanomo Bay?   I hope that it's not "many Americans" who believe this, although if it is then perhaps the response to Katrina is explained.




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