Wow. Thanks Keith.
Haflingers huh? I followed the JTF links on those crazy looking
vehicles a few weeks ago. I'm game, but we have to work with what is
available. I have limited money to work with, I know what else is new?
Anyway I just googled "Haflingers"  and all I get is horses! Oh never
mind I just realised that the "s" needed to go. Silly me. Now I can
find Pinzguaer and Haflinger near me.

> >Speaking of antiques; I found out this last week that a local man is 
> >importing
> >and rebuilding Keith's favorite vehicle the 'Land Rover.'
> :-) Used to be. We sure learned a lot with them. But that's it, good
> for our learning curve. One thing we learned was that they're not
> what we need. They're too small, for one thing, even the long
> wheelbase 109. Forward-control is better, ie vans. Another thing I
> learned was that a Land Rover can't match a Haflinger, having had
> experience of both. Haflingers are really small, but they're really
> worth it. Maybe you could sort of hang it out the back on davits like
> a lifeboat or something.
I like small. I have a big 4X4 for ranch use where this weekend I made
three giant loads of Cedar and Pinion firewood with it. It already
frosted here in northern New Mexico. I was thinking of a diesel
suitable for commuting to town to work at our PC shop. In the Winter
we need four wheel drive to get out of the driveway. Right now
everything we have is gasoline powered something I hope to soon
> We sold one Land Rover just before we left Hong Kong, and we sold the  other 
> one a year later 
The Toyota aren't terrible expensive are they? 
I assume they are imported into the US because I see very few of them
here. This is why it was so amazing to me that someone had the Land
Rover (diesel) here in this little town.  However I would think that
the Haflinger and Pinzguaer are even more scarce.
>" Now we use a 1990 Toyota Town-Ace 4x4 turbo diesel van, which we
ran  on JtF B100 homebrew biodiesel for two years and on SVO for the
last  six months, and a 1990 550cc Daihatsu K-truck."
550cc Daihatsu K-truck? Wow now you are talking small. I once restored
a Fiat Spider with an air cooled 650cc rear gas engine. I can dig
little cars. I want to look into this one too.

  The Town-Ace doesn't get stuck on muddy slopes where 4x4 Suzuki
jeeps get stuck, and the  K-truck is about the closest thing I've seen
to a Haflinger. See:
> >... no doubt Americans would laugh at them, but I don't think Japan would 
> >get on too well without them. I really wonder if an F250 or  something is 
> >that much more effective.
I have no allegiance to my Ford modified F150. It is what I have. I
just wish I had a diesel in something. The Ford does what I need it to
do. However its days of riding the pavement are over. But, it was
never really suited for the blacktop with the heavy duty luged tires
> >
> >
> >Moon Station Foxtrot: K-Trucks
> >
> Website uploads soon, hopefully, though the Town-Ace is on our
> website. Future vehicles is an interesting subject, but later.

Yeah I want to go here. I have been giving thought to creating my own
get-about utility vehicle. Anybody know what is an affordable small
diesel engine? Readily adaptable to ranch and farm use?
> Best wishes
> Keith
Thanks again for all the information Keith.
Brian Rodgers

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