
Just got back from a dinner party with the local elite, and everyone 
was discussing an imminent US attack on Venezuela. As though it were 
fact. A done deal. Asking me (half yank) to explain what on earth is 
going on in the good old us of a.
Much chatter about 'surgical' strikes. Oil. Our host's grandparents 
(german expats, one the son of a Reich consul in Argentina) were there, 
recalling the late 30's when they were teenagers. Abyssinian 
'excursions', speeches at Nuremberg. Neville Chamberlain. Scary. And 
absurd, if true. Could Rove actually believe this will somehow help the 
administration's popularity? Or maybe approval ratings no longer 
matter. Not if the American public can no longer do anything about 
anything. Gotta get 'it' before China does? Chavez a loose cannon? 
Phone calls to friends in Caracas, lots of busy lines, hard to get 
through, people are heading out of town, or don't want to come back 
from their weekend trips. Generalized paranoia.
Is this possible? Has anyone heard of anything? Gold just hit a 16 year 
high today, and not just in debased dollar terms...

tell me it ain't so!


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