On 9/20/05, David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It probably wouldn't make much difference.  Windows need an inch or so
between the panes for best R-value; less is not always better.  There's
a point where more wouldn't be better either, and a wide range in between.

If there were a way to evacuate even some of the air it would help with
both convective and conductive losses through the air, but evacuating
flat surface collectors is a non-starter.  If it were sealed tightly
enough, which you probably can't do in a home-build environment, a
heavier gas such as argon will increase the R value as well.

Does using a sliding glass door "solve" this problem as best as a backyard builder can expect?  I was referring to reducing the dead airspace behind the glazing.  Is that what you meant?  I intend to thoroughy insulate and seal the box itself but, I have not intention on evacuating it or filling it with a heavy glass.  As much as I'd like to get crazy technical with this, I'd like for it to be practical, reliable and reproducable - cheaply.

Thanks for your comments,
Take care,

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