Even if it were true the chances of it being very slim, you have to consider how it could be accomplished.  One would have to have access to jet fuel supplies which are controlled and regularly tested. Not easy.  But supposing that as a given, now you have to add your chemicals at some point downstream of the fuel production and testing point.  Probably the easiest would be close to the point of use but this would be less adantageous for global distribution of 'the chemical' and would require operatives on site at each location.  That's a lot of mouths to keep shut.  And now the kicker.  Your chemical, carefully formulated to cause it's desired effect, whatever that may be, must also survive a high pressure high temperature incinerator (the turbine engine) in order to make it into the conn trail.  Ahhh  that's a wee bit of a problem.

But as you say we should never close our minds completely to the possibility that strange things can happen I guess.


Appal Energy wrote:
Actually Bob,

We both know that what was written was far from irrelevant in light of 
your heavily "nuanced" statement that those who tend to think of the 
possible (or at least the "chemtrail" possibility) are essentially paranoid.

What I pointed out was the fact that on numerous occassions what was 
previously deemed to be unthinkable has been revealed to be actual fact, 
replete with wanton collusion, fraud and wreckless disregard for human 
life. And even when found out, the rationale is what? That those who 
object aren't looking at the "bigger picture?"

Enter Josef Mengele..., all for the greater good, right?

So one would think that knowing what you know and in light of the 
historical record of deviant human behaviors, you might be a little less 
half-cocked and not so flip with your dismissals. Something as simple as 
aerial dispersal of unknown materials upon an unaware public is 
completely within the realm of reason, and in fact, it's already been 
accomplished on a number of occassions. Google search "Green Run" and 
then follow up on the numerous other intentional releases for "research."

And as you well know, absence of proof is not proof of absence, as all 
the examples provided in my post unerrantly point out.

But you'd rather declare the thoughts of those who perceive such as 
being paranoid. This game of "plausible denial," or just flat out 
denial, that you play is devious, destructive, distracting and 
fraudulently manipulative, no matter whether it is intentional or not. 
And we both can be pretty sure that it's not exactly unintentional.

As for

 > If I use your logic, I have to construe that you accept every claim
 > regardless of source, or physical possibility, rational or not, as valid.

Not at all McDuff. You don't have to construe any such thing. In fact, 
if you do, you're playing a little fast and loose with the rules of 
logic, much less how I would and do apply them.

To deny, disregard and vaguely denegrate as flippantly as you do is 
foolhardy, deceptive, distracting and even illogical, especially in 
light of what has transpired in nearly inumerable instances and is no 
doubt occurring somewhere, in some venue or another, several times over 
as this is being typed. The same can also be said about those who openly 
accept every claim as being irrefutable fact.

While you may take the route of glib dismissal, I'd rather keep one eye 
open and half a wit aware should ever a confirming slip of proof (paper 
trail or other) be stumbled across, as all things are possible, 
plausible, and all too often probable when dealing with the aberrance of 
the human mind.

Todd Swearingen

Todd, other than everything you wrote was irrelevant to my writing, I 
agree with you whole-heartedly. My comments were directed at fears of 
"chemtrails" , which I stand by as paranoia until I see a lot more 
proof.  Show me some evidence that the observed chemtrails are something 
other than the usual vapor trails emitted from jets.  Show me a rational 
as to why someone or some entity would be doing such a thing.  For 
profit? meanness? world domination?  I just do not see much motive, do you?

more below

Appal Energy wrote:

Uhhhh....., let's see Bob,

Paranoia is it?

You seem to forget at minimum thirty years of using thousand of US 
citizens as human guinea pigs for radioactive materials testing. That 
nasty little "paranoid" conspiracy theory unraveled in the early 90's.

You're preaching to the choir, here as I agree.


You seem to forget the thousands of US military personel exposed during 
Operation Crossroads as well as thousands more intentionally positioned 
to observe atmospheric detonations of nuclear weapons at the Nevada test 
sites, not to mention the forty years of denial and deceit that followed.


Let's forget the decades that literally millions of US citizens were 
exposed to fad, over-the-counter drugs containing radium, such as 
Dentarium, Ointarium, Kaparium, Linarium and just plain Arium, or the 
water "elixir" labeled "Radithor." They were all being deemed perfectly 
safe and denials were issued by all private and government entities 
fifteen years after people started dropping like flies and up to the 
very days that each was separately pulled from the market..



You seem to forget that for thirty-eight years, between 1932 and 1970, 
the US Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute conducted 
studies on 399 black men diagnosed with syphilis. They intentionally 
withheld treatment and diagnostic information from these men for 
decades, treating them with "placebos" and setting up elaborate "free 
medical" schemes to keep their "study group" from venturing out of their 
purview so that they could maintain the "integrity" of their data.



And even with such a dispersed yet long-lived historical track record 
and monumental data sets, you continually poo-poo and dismiss all 
reports or concerns of all other deceit and debilitating chicanery

No Todd, I don't.

 as if

claims of such are the ravings of lunatics.

  You are extrapolating to what is not there.  I have never made such 
all encompassing claims.

If I use your logic,  I have to construe that you accept every claim 
regardless of source, or physical possibility, rational or not, as valid.

(plans for tinfoil helmets to protect from alien attempts to control our 
 minds are forthcoming.) :>)



One of us is either really gullible or really stupid Bob.

I guess I'll have to leave that to you as to which of us is what. I 
think it is plain stupid or gullible or both to not make a distinction 
between what I think is real and what is not.

 You if you

don't believe precisely what cold and calculated depths concerted public 
and private interests are capable of stooping to, and me if I accept 
your overly eager dismissals of anything and everything 

not every thing and anything, I try to be selective.  Shouldn't you?

as being nothing

more than "paranoia."

Todd Swearingen


and have a nice day, too Todd.



bob allen wrote:


woo-woo alert!

Charles Tounah wrote:



As far as the grey layer of crud that's built up in
the atmosphere, there have been airplanes whose sole
apparent purpose has been to lay that grey layer down
in the atmosphere. 


oh really?

I have personally observed them in


many different cities, even in different countries,
for about the last five years.  The phenomenon is
called chemtrails,


other than usual exhaust emissions- water vapor, CO2, and trace 
combustion products such as NOX, what is there?

and you can find a whole education


on the internet regarding it.   www.carnicom.com


woo-woo. woo-woo.


(which I have not visited in years) is probably the
most well-known.


sorry for my sarcasm, but I will save my worrying over reality, and 
leave the really paranoid speculation to others.


Charles Tounah



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