There you go again Bob,

 > you can believe in the boogie man if you wish.

It's not a matter of believing in "the boogie man" or not. It's a matter 
of not turning a blind eye to what members of my species are perfectly 
capable of doing, have repeatedly done and far too often are willing to do.

But you trivialize that truth and degrade the exercise of prudent 
caution and/or discernment when you issue such statements.

Again, that is the entire point of my responses to your remarks, which, 
by the way, is also relevant to your name appearing "in lights." Your 
sweeping and quippy remarks are so destructive, especially when you 
present yourself as being someone of learned mind, that it serves well 
to not let them get lost in a flurry of posts on a completely different 

One thing is for absolute certain. It didn't escape your attention.

And no, you're not limiting your viewpoint  to just chem-trails. You've 
broadened it into the psychiatry of those minds who think that the 
unthinkable is possible while at the same time downplaying as absurd 
essentially any and/or all reasons why other minds might implement such 

Frankly Bob, few people have knowledge of the depths and breadths to 
which sectors of mankind have already stooped in the name of 
"protecting" or "serving" the public good. And any effort that attempts 
to downplay those possibilities, especially when they are unfolding 
around us every day, doesn't serve the public's best interests.

It's one thing to say that "we don't know." It's all together another to 
sweepingly declare something as "paranoic speculation."

Todd Swearingen

bob allen wrote:

>so I'm a skeptic.  you can believe in the boogie man if you wish.  And a 
>comment for future 
>reference. I find it mildly disconcerting the you plant my name in the subject 
>line. I know that I 
>am trying to talk about chemtrails and your trying to talk about me, but let's 
>please keep the 
>discourse civil and at the very least keep the personalities out of the 
>subject line. I get enough 
>spam as it is thank you.
>Appal Energy wrote:
>>Nice song and dance Bob,

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