> >
> > Maximum 96% by distillation, 192-proof, then it stops because of
> > azeotropism. The boiling temperature of 96% ethanol is lower than
> > that of pure ethanol. <snip>
>With respect Keith, but if I'm not wrong, the boiling point of 96% is higher
>than that of pure ethanol. At that percentage the boiling point of the last
>bit of water is lower than 100° C, being exactly the same as that of 96%.
>Am I wrong ?

Wrong, according to Mike Nixon, who knows what he's talking about. 
See The Compleat Distiller, Nixon and McKay, Amphora Society, 2001, 
p.37. "Another result of azeotropism is that the boiling temperature 
of the 96% ethanol solution is lower than that of pure ethanol."

>Well, anyway not so important. We just cannot get it higher than 96% without
>other tricks like tholuene or benzene.

Or lime, or corn grits, or 3A zeolite, or castor oil, or....


>BTW, tholuene isn't half as carcinogene as benzene, but I don't know if it
>works with tholuene.
> > Best wishes
> >
> > Keith
> >
> > PS: Sorry I got waylaid Manickh, I haven't forgotten you, I'll get
> > back to what we were discussing as soon as I can. All best meanwhile,
> > K.
> >
> >
> > >Only up to 170-180 proof which could be used for E85 cars. To get
> > >100% alcohol try extraction with castor oil of fermented liquor
> > >followed by simple distillation if castor oil does not dissolve any
> > >water. Please check this in JTF archives. If this does not work try
> > >azeotropic distillation of the 170 proof alcohol with  toluene in
> > >which case simple distillation would suffice to remove the water
> > >leaving more concentrated alcohol in the still. Take care and first
> > >check MSDS data whether toluene is carcinogenic.
> > >Manickh
> > >
> > >Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >Where can I buy a still that can produce fuel grade ethanol (190 proof)?
> > >
> > >I have read that the charles 803 is a poor still and I have no
> > >access to anyone knowledgable enough to build a good enough still
> > >without accurate plans. I could possibly pay someone to build one
> > >if I knew exactly what to tell them to build.
> > >
> > >I have done google and JTF and searched this list but have come up
> > >with no one that operates a successful fuel still.
> > >
> > >Thanks
> > >Bob

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