Hello Scott, Julian

>I have been running B100 in my 1986 BJ74 Land Cruiser ( four cylinder turbo
>diesel ) for two years now and
>have noticed only positive differences ( less noise, smooth idle, etc ).  It
>actually seems to have more power.
>I have been buying commercially made biodiesel so the quality is
>consistently high.

I hope so, but it might not be the safest assumption. Previous message:

>Currently I resell commercial manufactured biodiesel in Atlanta, GA.
>Over the past 2 years I have seen the quality of this fuel vary 
>greatly... Funny thing about the "commercially manufactured" 
>biodiesel... One of the big arguments against backyard biodiesel 
>(from industry folks) is quality, yet every batch that I have made, 
>and every batch I have seen by a homebrew biodiesel maker has been 
>much better than the "fuel" I am reselling. Individuals with small 
>scale setups seem to really care, take their time, and craft their 
>fuel...after all..most are using it in their own cars, not selling 
>to the boiler fuel market.

-- Rob Del Bueno, Vegenergy, Biofuel list 28 Dec 2004



Best wishes


>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Julian Voelcker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:00 AM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Running Toyota Landcruiser (HDJ80) on WVO?
> > An enterprising local farmer has started making and selling 100%
> > Biodiesel from WVO (Waste Vegetable Oil) and is selling it for 85pence
> > per litre (about 10-15% less than we normally pay for diesel here in
> > the UK).
> >
> > Has anyone here experimented with running their HDJ80 on WVO?
> >
> > Initial research indicates that it should run fine, but I would
> > appreciate some feedback from anyone actually running the stuff in
> > their 80.
> > --
> > Regards,
> >
> > Julian Voelcker
> > Mobile: 07971 540362
> > Cirencester, United Kingdom
> > 1994 HDJ80, 2.5" OME Lift

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