On 9/27/05, Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken,
> If you can use PVC pipe, your efficiency is very low to
> start with. Normal PVC starts to soften at 60 degree C
> and carbon reinforced ones at 95 degree C. The surface
> temperatures in normal copper based solar panels can
> be a few hundreds of degree C and it is always special
> soldering in them, otherwise the soldering will melt or
> degenerate.
> I would not recommend any plastics, if you cannot get
> the special ones that NASA uses.

Thanks for his piece of information, I was not of heat sensivity of
PVC.  I thought that it was much more heat resistent.

>They are quite expensive,
> so do not forget to ask for a special discount, based on
> your good looks or intentions.

Has my mom been bragging about me again?

Thanks again,

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