Hi Zeke,

On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, at 03:13 PM, Zeke Yewdall wrote:

> Why eat animals then?  Eating meat is a rather inefficient method of
> converting sunlight into food anyway.  In a sustainble farm they are
> necessary for fertilizer, and to convert low grade food stocks not
> edible by humans into edible products, as well as to boost protein
> input if you can't grow the protein rich vegetables,  but how about
> chickens for eggs, or goats or sheep for milk?
> It is interesting that we (americans at least) eat so much meat, much
> of it produced in factory farms in truly horrible conditions, yet we
> blanch at the idea of chopping the head off a chicken ourselves.

Well, Dick and George had happy lives, all spent rooting up an old 
bermudagrass and clover pasture, lolling in the shade of a stand of 
poplar, and wallowing in their pond. They also tasted great, and fed 30 

The main reason we keep animals is to fertilize the soil. Secondary are 
the reasons you mention, third, the pleasure of their company.

I had a deeper relationship with them than i do with my chickens, so 
that's why it was hard. Killing chickens is easy: there's an old stump 
that has a noose connected to a foot pedal at the base. I take the 
chicken by the legs, slip the noose over his head, stretch him across 
the stump, step on the footpedal to tense and chop his head off with a 
hatchet. The dogs think it's great fun and snap up the head within a 
half second. No apparent suffering. Some flopping around from the body, 
helps to empty him of blood. I bet little dinosaurs were a lot like 
chicken. Goats are a PITA, and sheep are great. Still, same issues 
killing them than with killing the pigs...


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