
I agree with you that hydrogen is not a simple solution and requires a huge investment to make it useable at the consumer level.  But as I was reading it occured to me that the same could have been said about petroleum refining a hundred years ago.  It is true that hydrogen requires more energy to gather and compress than you get back out of it, but what if the input energy was free?  (after the costs of the solar arrays was depreciated of course).  I could imagine huge area arrays out on the oceans splitting sea water and compressing hydrogen for tank ships to come and collect it.  Granted this represents a huge investment but so did the petroleum industry.  One thing for sure the greedy buggers on top of the pyramid of society would like to stay on top.  If they see any glimmer of hope in investing money to maintain control of the energy sector I think they will take it.  Perhaps now they are still in denial and think they can save a sinking ship??

I also agree about the inevitable demise of the US empire, but like anything which becomes over strong, the decline is precipitated by that very fact.


Hakan Falk wrote:
My opinion is that if hydrogen was a sustainable and economical fuel in
any way, it would have been used 100 years ago. It is other interests
behind it. The whole process is not usable and sustainable at user level,
without large investments in processing plants and complicated storage
technology, ideal for maintaining the sustainability of large corporations.
Hydrogen is the seven sisters life line and guarantee of sustainable

US is moving towards self destruction through financial bleeding, Iraq,
Hurricanes and an expensive hydrogen economy. How much more can it
take, or is it already too late?


At 22:35 27/09/2005, you wrote:
If it was so easy, as you say, why it is such an expensive development
hunt, to try to find suitable and economical storage solutions?


I actually agree with alot of your reply, that storing hydrogen is
significantly harder than natural gas.  However, I think that the main
issue, just like just about every other sustainable living technology,
is non-technical.  Just because it is suitable and economical, doesn't
mean that anyone will actually use it.

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