So Zeke,

You're "...not even saying this was bad if it was what happened..."

So it's okay for civilians to make "battlefield decisions" in peace time 
- decisions that effectively discount some human life in lieu of a 
theoretically greater good?

How about we move your name to the top of the list of human sacrifice?  
Don't forget to include your home and cell phone numbers so they won't 
have a problem getting in touch with you to relay the location where you 
can begin the trip to your final destination the next time some yayhoo 
decides that killing people is okay so that we won't have to see other 
people die

You must have not only missed Sunday school on a regular basis, but the 
episode from the original Star Trek series that dealt with precisely 
such a thing.

"Zeke Yewdall. Attention Zeke Yewdall. Please report to your 
designatited sacrificial altar. Zeke Yewdall....."

Todd Swearingen

>Not to be too much of a conspiracy theorist, but if you were trying to
>increase funding for your bioterrorism department, don't you think it
>might work great if someone internal leaked a little anthrax through
>the postal system, and created a big hullabuloo, which would get
>congress in gear to give them money.... ???
>I'm not even saying this was bad if it was what happened -- they could
>have recognized the danger of bioterrorism and been frustrated that
>congress and the president would do nothing about it, sort of like the
>current situation with chemical plants in the US...., and figured that
>killing a few people in order to kick start the political process and
>eventually potentially save many more people was worth it.
>>David Franz, a former commander of USAMRIID
>>who earlier this year said of the anthrax campaign: "I think a lot of
>>good has come from it. From a biological or a medical
>>standpoint, we've now five people who have died, but we've put
>>about $6bn in our budget into defending against bioterrorism."
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