I am a vegetarian for health reasons but I now see why some people are 
vegetarians for other reasons but most importantly I would like to see 
ranchers raise their lifestock on only grass because 90 to 95% of grains 
grown in North America are used to feed livestock not people.  We could use 
some of that animal grain feed to feed our cars instead.

Terry Dyck

>From: Garth & Kim Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: [Biofuel] Killing animals- graphic was Re: New question on oil 
>seed crops and ley farming
>Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:42:14 -0500
>So far I have not had a steer to kill.  We lost our expected calf last 
>February, so it will be next April before I have calves on the ground.  
>However, we do kill pigs, lamb, chicken and rabbits, with the occasional 
>goat.  I did put a steer out of it's misery on the highway in front of our 
>place, but it was not mine.  The floor had given way on somebodies trailer 
>on the way to the sale barn and he lost 3 yearlings.
>I dislike doing the rabbits, but we have been doing them for 1.5 years now. 
>  I do find it much easier with 2 of us.  I keep the rabbits in their 
>normal cages and just pull them out one at a time.  It takes a couple of 
>minutes to walk to our killing area, so I have time to cuddle the rabbit, 
>and commune with it.  I do carefully explain that staying still will 
>prevent any additional pain and the rabbits do cooperate with us.  We use a 
>5 pound short handled sledge and make sure we hit the rabbit just where the 
>backbone meets the head.  A wooden board over a very firm surface is 
>required.  If done correctly, one hit is all it takes.  As far as we have 
>been able to find out, this is the most humane manner to kill rabbits.  If 
>anyone knows a better way that will not poison the food we eat, I am open 
>to suggestions.
>We have a problem with using chemicals to kill, since I am already 
>chemically sensitive.  The whole point of having the farm is to have clean, 
>healthy food.
>A few years ago I read a study from Japan on killing chickens and what was 
>the most humane way to do so.  The study discovered that chopping it's head 
>off was not the least painful method, but a broken neck was better.  Since 
>then, we have made it a habit to twist the head and break the neck even 
>though it does not bleed the bird out as well.   I assume you are aware 
>that water at 160 - 165F is the perfect temperature for removing feathers.  
>Boiling water will set the feathers and make them very difficult to get 
>For the pigs, we do use the shotgun from behind the ear.  I found out the 
>hard way that my 380 will not drop a pig in one shot, despite what the gun 
>salesman said.  I was furious with him for that!  The 380 works well for 
>lamb and goat.
>Our animals are always moved away from the others for killing.  Most of 
>them die with their mouths full, chewing contentedly on a treat.
>We can pet all the animals that were born on our farm, and most of the ones 
>we brought in.  They are used to us handling them and moving them around so 
>we cause no fear when killing time comes.  We do talk to them and tell them 
>what is coming, thank them for their life energies, and spend time with 
>them first.  You can taste the difference in the meat of an animals that go 
>peacefully into the freezer.
>We do not kill anything that we have no need to kill.  If a snake is a 
>pest, we change our routine to pick up the eggs earlier and the snake goes 
>and finds other things to eat.  We have found that the snakes keep the mice 
>and rat population down, so we live with the snakes.  We have no children 
>on the premises, ever.  We have even found a use for the fire ants, so 
>unless they are dinning on us, we don't kill them either.  The one 
>exception is cockroaches in the house, and I am sorry, but I can't stand 
>them.  We changed to this standard of not killing anything about 10 years 
>ago and it has worked well for us.  My husband does occasionally forget and 
>kills a few grasshoppers, but by never killing the spiders, they have not 
>been as much of a problem as they were.
>I hope you find something in all of this that is helpful.
>Bright Blessings,
>At 04:48 PM 9/28/2005, you wrote:
>>Hi Kim,
>>A Tibetan Rinpoche visiting Synergia Ranch in Santa Fe once, was told of a 
>>gopher infestation in the fruit orchard, and asked something about the 
>>morals of killing, since noisemakers had not worked.
>>His reply: Rodent infestations must be dealt with.
>>It was pretty clear he had no qualms about exterminating them. He also ate 
>>meat for the same reasons as the Dalai Lama.
>>Yes, rabbits are really hard. So far, i've been copping out by giving them 
>>Just how, exactly, do you kill your steers?
>>On 9/27/05, Garth & Kim Travis 
>>I too kill my own animals, we put their names on the package of meat and
>>remember them when we eat them, giving thanks for their life
>>energies.  Even the Dali Lama is only vegetarian half the time, as the
>>stress of traveling weakens him too much on a strict vegetarian diet.  
>>of us get sick not eating meat.  Now, I am not saying that I need a 16
>>ounce steak for dinner every night, and I do not eat factory farmed meat,
>>cause that will make me sick, too.  For some of us, we see the spiritual
>>connection between the animal and ourselves, when we eat it, and treat the
>>whole thing in a spiritual manner.
>>I talk to my animals and thank them for their life energies before I kill
>>them.  I wish them a longer and happier life in their next incarnation, 
>>they stay very calm, stand still and let me kill them.
>>Chickens are the easiest animal to kill, rabbits the hardest, for me.
>>Bright Blessings,
>>At 03:15 PM 9/27/2005, you wrote:
>> >On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, at 03:32 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:
>> >
>> > > I can't kill anything anymore, except chickens. I hate chickens.  But 
>> > > live live in the 'burbs so there are no chickens anyhow.  My dad 
>> > > stories of his chilhood in Arkansas and pig killing, which they did
>> > > from
>> > > November - January.   I'm pretty much a vegetarian anyhow these days.
>> >
>> >I feel that if i'm to eat meat, i should kill the animal myself. Keeps
>> >everything in perspective. I bet that if everyone had to personally
>> >kill up close and personal to eat, there would be a lot more
>> >vegetarians (which i have been, on and off).
>> >
>> >andres
>> >
>> >
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