On 9/28/05, Tom Scheel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've proposed a system that combines heat exchange and storage, thus giving
> you efficiency of design. The storage tank and the draindown tank can be the
> same tank, thus removing a maintainance/failure item (glycol - which likes
> to leak, is less efficient than water as a heat transfer medium, costs
> $8/gallon (in the US)). Plus you are saving time as it looks like you are
> hunting around and experimenting with low percentage ideas (PVC/CPVC =
> PITA).
> The proposed system does require a pump (you should be able to use two
> circulators in series - read your pump sizing charts). As to "DHW through
> excessive piping" - I presume you are talking about pressure drop. That is
> solved by taking your 3/4" supply and running it through three 1/2" loops in
> your heat exchanger. And you are only adding 100 to 120 feet of run, so the
> pressure drop should be manageable (even if you kept it a single 3/4" loop
> in the heat exhanger.


After re-reading your original post and then staring at a slew more
diagrams, I have to say that I agree with you.  As hard as I might try
to avoid it, I am still overcomplicating this.


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