Thank you Arden I must confer.  I would also like to add that if we look 
at people in an evolutionary sense we may find some interesting 
parallels as to why some folks do VERY well on this type of diet and 
others not.  Consider those peoples that have for many more centuries 
(more than modern science has been around) have lived on a diet as very 
similar to the Adkins (Eskimo, Siberian etc) vs those from warmer 
agricultural areas.  Logically one may make consider that a person whose 
genes reflect one the lower carb evolution would do well while the other 
type would suffer.  Just an observation as I am not a scientist but I do 
have a very northern very deep low carb physiology and when I went back 
to what would be the diet of my ancestors I lost 40 lbs for good and my 
health has improved radically and I love the diet I adopted for the last 
three years.  It works for me.

My 2 cents worth

Wisdom to all.

Arden B. Norder wrote:

>My good bio-friends,
>I feel I must speak out in defence of Dr. Atkins.
>It so obvious, by the tone of the comments here, that very, very few have
>actually read his book. I have seen a couple of TV probrams where the Atkins
>diet is put under fire. What they have failed to do in all cases isexplain that
>there are 4 phases to the Atkins way of life.
>My wife and I have adopted the Atkins way of life and we have lost 12 and 13
>kilos respectively. I have to say - I have never felt so good. We have been 
>with our new life style for 3 months now and we are almost to our goal weights
>and are currently in phase 2. I hvae only 1 kilo to go and then on to phase 3.
>My colestorol from 9 down to 7.5. Yes that was high and it can be even lower 
>apparently I have been blessed with the heart and collestorol troubles from my
>mother and her father and his father. thus, it's genetic. I am under my doctors
>servaillence. I was not overweight. I am 2 metres, medium build and weighed 94
>kgs. I am still 2 metres and weigh now 81 kgs. I have an abundance of energy 
>honestly speeking - have never felt better.
>Please, educate yourself before you use your key-board and knock a good thing. 
>Have any of you ever considered what a low-fat diet does to your system?? Yet 
>accept that as being OK. Hmmm.
>There was here mention of no scientific proof and/or no references - read the
>book and you wil see the pages and pages and pages of references. His
>I, unlike the low-fatters, do not walk around with a hungry feeling all day
>long, and in a body that tries to store every extra calorie because it thinks 
>it is starving.
>READ THE BOOK!!! Let's open our minds.
>Greetings from the Netherlands
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