Hoodia with no fillers or additives is a very safe supplement.  It is from a 
vegetable type of food source that has been eaten by people in Africa were 
it grows wild.  It is very high in fiber which is the most important type of 
food for diabetes.  I viewed a documentary on this food with the author 
visting a dessert in Africa and picking the cactus and eating it.  The fiber 
was so high that the writer felt full for days after she ate the Hodia 

Terry Dyck

>Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Subject: [Biofuel] Hoodia Gordonii ?
>Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 16:42:09 -0400
>List members,
>Does anybody know about this hard-to-find supplement for weight loss?
>It comes from a very rare cactus plant in South Africa.
>I have a weight problem which could lead soon to diabetes.
>There is a meager amount of information on the web of real value, a
>program on 60 minutes aired recently.  I missed it.  There are supposed
>to be alot of fake Hoodia G. products on the market now.
>I would like to know if any of you very respectible list members have
>heard about Hoodia Gordonii.  <Anywhere in the world>
>Is Hoodia Gordonii the real thing? Or the latest scam?
>Thanks for looking at this email.
>Respectfully submitted, Michael in Alabama
>Biofuel mailing list
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