>CSI president Pam Solo said: "Americans have seen too much
 >price gouging and too little action from Washington on
>energy prices, fuel-efficient vehicles and our dangerous
 >reliance on foreign oil. The benefits of making 40 miles
 >per gallon the standard for all autos in the United States
 >are obvious to Americans: consumers save money; we reduce
 >our dangerous reliance on Middle Eastern oil, making us
>more secure in the world; air pollution is reduced; and
>we can cut the U.S. contribution to global warming by nearly
 >a third. Greater fuel efficiency makes sense, it is
>technologically possible, the benefits are real and the
 >challenges can be overcome."

Where in the basic definitions of capitalism does price gouging even
exist?  This seems like people are putting a moral demand on companies
not to profit as much as the market will bear. Sounds sort of
socialist to me...

I personally think that capitalism is a lousy system of economics
because it discourages human compassion if properly practiced.  It
just happens that most other systems tried have turned out even worse
in practice, so a somewhat regulated system of capitalism seems to be
the least worst option at this point.


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