Interesting post.  I was looking at the Jeep Liberty diesel, (back when
...) and have just thrown out the literature I collected.  The glossy
they (the dealer) supplied me stated compatibility for B20.  In fact,
the units were shipped with (B20) in the tank, I think to make the
exhaust smell less 'diesel' for sales purposes.

I wondered why not B100 other than component compatibility etc?  I am
more interested in determining if it will run on WVO at 100%, or 50% or
what?  I'm finding that blending WVO with percent dino is (so far)
acceptable (1981 Mercedes 300SD).  I'm expecting to need higher percent
(50%?) diesel for the cold winter starts we are expecting here in
Florida.  Other than viscosity issues, anybody know what happens to WVO
at lower (say 35-40F) temps?

If they'd let me put about 10 gallons of my finest processed WVO into
the CRD engine's tank and run a few miles, and if it ran, I'd buy the
sucker.  If it didn't, well, they'd have to pump the tank out I guess.
It's a gamble I won't take.

Message: 11
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:48:12 -0600
Subject: [Biofuel] Jeep Liberty CRD
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=iso-8859-1

After doing some (about 3 hours worth) of research, I have not found any

straight answers regarding the use of bio-diesel in the Jeep Liberty
the VM 2.8 liter CRD (common rail diesel). As a state and ASE certified 
master mechanic at a Chrysler/Jeep dealership, my coworkers and I have
of interest in the compatibility of bio-diesel with this new engine
DCX and VM Industries both state that #2 diesel is the preferred fuel
don't say anything about bio-diesel in any percentage. My interest is in

making my own WVO bio-diesel to use in a Liberty but also in the 
compatibility and availability of the "premixed" BDs (B2, B20, ETC) in
greater Detroit area. Particularly in the Warren, Eastpoint, Roseville 
areas. Does anyone have and hands on experience with the Liberty CRD?

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