> >I wonder about the invasiveness of miscanthus. 

 "Other varieties of Miscanthus have been grown successfully in Indiana,
 Michigan and Ohio. However, the giant Miscanthus being grown by the
 Illinois researchers has the greatest potential as a fuel source because of
 its high yields and because it is sterile and cannot become a weed, Heaton
 said. “Miscanthus sacchariflorus and some of the other fertile Miscanthus
 species can be quite invasive,” she said.

 At a research station near Hornum, Denmark, giant Miscanthus has been
 grown for 22 years in Europe’s longest-running experimental field. The crop
 has never been invasive and rhizome spread has been no more than 1.5
 meters (4.92 feet), said Uffe Jorgensen, senior scientist for the Danish
 Institute of Agricultural Sciences." 

 Hybrid Grass Shows Strong Biomass Potential 
 October 12, 2005 

 Doctoral student Emily Heaton stands next to a plot of Giant Miscanthus,
 a hybrid grass that she and her research fellows have shown could become
 a valuable fuel source. 

 Photo: Kwame Ross 

 Champaign, Illinois [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] Ethanol and biodiesel
 are the biofuel favorites in the US right now but new research is
 suggesting some new contenders may be on the way. Giant Miscanthus
 (Miscanthus x giganteus), a hybrid grass that can grow 13 feet high,
 may become a valuable renewable energy as a source of solid fuel,
 researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) say. 

 In addition to being a clean, efficient and renewable fuel source,
 Miscanthus is easy to grow. Upon reaching maturity, Miscanthus has
 few needs as it outgrows weeds, requires little water and minimal
 fertilizer and thrives in untilled fields, Heaton said, where
 various wildlife species make their homes in the plant's leafy canopy
 and surrounding undisturbed soil. 

 Stephen P. Long, professor of crop sciences and of plant biology at
 UIUC recently gave that message to the BA Festival of Science in Ireland,
 sponsored by the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
 Here in the states, two of Long's doctoral students, Emily A. Heaton and
 Frank G. Dohleman, delivered their Miscanthus findings at the 49th annual
 Agronomy Day, held on the UIUC campus and attended by more than
 1,100 visitors from across the Midwest.

 "Forty percent of U.S. energy is used as electricity," Heaton said.
 "The easiest way to get electricity is using a solid fuel such as coal."
 They have found that dry, leafless Miscanthus stems can be used as a solid 
 The cool-weather-friendly perennial grass grows from an underground stem-like 
 called a rhizome. A crop native to Asia and a relative of sugarcane,
 Miscanthus drops its leaves in the winter, leaving behind tall bamboo-like 
 that can be harvested in spring and burned for fuel.

 Using a computer simulation, Heaton predicted that if just
 10 percent of Illinois land mass was devoted to Miscanthus, it could provide
 50 percent of Illinois' electricity needs. Using Miscanthus for energy
 would not necessarily reduce energy costs in the short term, Heaton said,
 but there would be significant savings in carbon dioxide production.

 Rhizomatous grasses such as Miscanthus are very clean fuels, said Dohleman,
 who is studying for his doctorate in plant biology. Nutrients such as
 nitrogen are transferred to the rhizome to be saved until the next
 growing season, he said. 

 Burning Miscanthus produces only as much carbon dioxide as it
 removes from the air as it grows, said Heaton, who is seeking
 her doctorate in crop sciences. That balance means there is
 no net effect on atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which is
 not the case with fossil fuels, she said.

 Miscanthus also is a very efficient fuel, because
 the energy ratio of input to output is less than 0.2, Heaton said.
 In contrast, the ratios exceed 0.8 for ethanol and biodiesel from canola,
 which are other plant-derived energy sources.

 In addition to being a clean, efficient and renewable fuel source,
 Miscanthus is easy to grow. Upon reaching maturity, Miscanthus has
 few needs as it outgrows weeds, requires little water and minimal
 fertilizer and thrives in untilled fields, Heaton said, where
 various wildlife species make their homes in the plant's leafy
 canopy and surrounding undisturbed soil.

 Long said Illinois researchers have found that Miscanthus grown in
 the state has greater crop yields than in Europe, where it has
 been used commercially for years. Last year, Illinois researchers
 obtained 60 tons per hectare (2.47 acre), Long said at the BA
 Festival of Science. "It is my hope that Illinois will take the
 lead in renewable energy and that the state will benefit from that lead."

 Full-grown plants produce 10-30 tons per acre dry weight each year.
 Miscanthus yields in lowland areas around the Alps, where the climate is
 similar to the Midwest, are at least 25 tons per acre dry weight, wrote
 Heaton and colleagues in a paper published in 2004 in the journal
 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.

 The Illinois Miscanthus crop began three years ago when Heaton planted
 400 Miscanthus rhizomes, which were generated from three rhizomes donated by
 the Turfgrass Program in the department of natural resources and environmental 
 Because Miscanthus is sterile, cuttings of Miscanthus rhizomes must be used to 
 new plants. Now in their third year, the three 33-by-33 feet Miscanthus plots 
 considered mature. Their 10-foot tall stems are twice as high as switchgrass,
 a prairie grass native to Illinois. Grown side by side, Miscanthus produces
 more than twice as much biomass as switchgrass, Heaton said.

 To investigate how Miscanthus is so productive, Dohleman and others'
 preliminary results show that Miscanthus has a 27 percent greater rate of
 photosynthesis at midday compared with switchgrass - also an increasingly
 popular option for efficient biomass. 

 Other varieties of Miscanthus have been grown successfully in Indiana,
 Michigan and Ohio. However, the giant Miscanthus being grown by the
 Illinois researchers has the greatest potential as a fuel source because
 of its high yields and because it is sterile and cannot become a weed,
 Heaton said. "Miscanthus sacchariflorus and some of the other
 fertile Miscanthus species can be quite invasive," she said.

 The next step, Long said, is to demonstrate how Miscanthus goes from
 a plant to a power source. Existing U.S. power plants could be modified
 to use Miscanthus for fuel as in Europe, he said. Long is collaborating
 with researchers at the Institute of Genomic Biology to study whether
 Miscanthus could be converted to alcohol, which can also be used as fuel.

 For further Information 
   Univ. of Ill at Urbana-Champaign

 Hybrid grass may prove to be valuable fuel source
 Molly McElroy, News Bureau
 217-333-5802; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Giant Miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus), a hybrid grass
 that can grow 13 feet high, may be a valuable renewable fuel source for the
 future, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign say. 

 Stephen P. Long, a professor of crop sciences and of plant biology, recently
 took that message to Dublin, Ireland, where the British Association for the
 Advancement of Science sponsored the annual BA Festival of Science Sept. 3-10.

 Closer to home, two of Long’s doctoral students, Emily A. Heaton and Frank G.
 Dohleman, delivered their Miscanthus findings at the 49th annual Agronomy Day,
 held on campus Aug. 18 and attended by more than 1,100 visitors from across the

 “Forty percent of U.S. energy is used as electricity,” Heaton said.
 “The easiest way to get electricity is using a solid fuel such as coal.” 

 Dry, leafless Miscanthus stems can be used as a solid fuel.
 The cool-weather-friendly perennial grass,
 sometimes referred to as elephant grass or E-grass, grows from an
 underground stem-like organ called a rhizome. Miscanthus, a crop native to
 Asia and a relative of sugarcane, drops its slender leaves in the winter,
 leaving behind tall bamboo-like stems that can be harvested in early spring
 and burned for fuel.

 Rhizomatous grasses such as Miscanthus are very clean fuels, said
 Dohleman, who is studying for a doctorate in plant biology. Nutrients such
 as nitrogen are transferred to the rhizome to be saved until the next growing
 season, he said.

 Burning Miscanthus produces only as much carbon dioxide as it removes
 from the air as it grows, said Heaton, who is seeking a doctorate in crop
 sciences. That balance means there is no net effect on atmospheric carbon
 dioxide levels, which is not the case with fossil fuels, she said.

 Miscanthus also is a very efficient fuel, because the energy ratio of input to
 output is less than 0.2, Heaton said. In contrast, the ratios exceed 0.8 for
 ethanol and biodiesel from canola, which are other plant-derived energy

 Besides being a clean, efficient and renewable fuel source, Miscanthus
 also is remarkably easy to grow. Upon reaching maturity, Miscanthus has
 few needs as it outgrows weeds, requires little water and minimal fertilizer
 and thrives in untilled fields, Heaton said. In untilled fields, various 
 species make their homes in the plant’s leafy canopy and in the
 surrounding undisturbed soil. 

 Illinois researchers have found that Miscanthus grown in the state has
 greater crop yields than in Europe, where it has been used commercially for
 years, Long said. Full-grown plants produce 10-30 tons per acre dry weight
 each year. Miscanthus yields in lowland areas around the Alps, where the
 climate is similar to the Midwest, are at least 25 tons per acre dry weight,
 wrote Heaton and colleagues in a paper published in 2004 in the journal
 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.

 Last year, Illinois researchers obtained 60 tons per hectare (2.47 acre),
 Long said at the BA Festival of Science. 

 Using a computer simulator, Heaton predicted that if just 10 percent of
 Illinois land mass was devoted to Miscanthus, it could provide 50 percent of
 Illinois electricity needs. Using Miscanthus for energy would not
 necessarily reduce energy costs in the short term, Heaton said, but there
 would be significant savings in carbon dioxide production.

 The Illinois Miscanthus crop began three years ago when Heaton planted
 400 Miscanthus rhizomes, which were generated from three rhizomes
 donated by the Turfgrass Program in the department of natural resources
 and environmental sciences. Because Miscanthus is sterile, cuttings of
 Miscanthus rhizomes must be used to create new plants.

 Now in their third year, the three 33-by-33 feet Miscanthus plots at the
 intersection of South First Street and Airport Road in Savoy, Ill., are
 considered mature. Their 10-foot tall stems are twice as high as
 switchgrass, a prairie grass native to Illinois. Grown side by side,
 Miscanthus produces more than twice as much biomass as switchgrass,
 Heaton said.

 To investigate how Miscanthus is so productive, Dohleman and others take
 measurements of photosynthesis throughout the day. He measures the
 intensity of the sun and then places a leaf in a chamber, allowing him to
 measure the rate of photosynthesis depending upon ambient sunlight.
 Preliminary results show that Miscanthus has a 27 percent greater rate of
 photosynthesis at midday compared with switchgrass. 

 Nine different fields across the state are being used to help estimate
 Miscanthus productivity, Heaton said. Plots in Champaign and Christian
 counties each have more than 2 acres of Miscanthus, and DeKalb, Pike,
 Pope, Wayne, Fayette and Mason counties have smaller plots. Plots in
 Champaign County have shown the greatest yearly yields, according to
 Long’s 2004 progress report to the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural
 Research, which funded the experiments.

 “It is my hope that Illinois will take the lead in renewable energy and that
 the state will benefit from that lead,” Long said. 

 Other varieties of Miscanthus have been grown successfully in Indiana,
 Michigan and Ohio. However, the giant Miscanthus being grown by the
 Illinois researchers has the greatest potential as a fuel source because of
 its high yields and because it is sterile and cannot become a weed, Heaton
 said. “Miscanthus sacchariflorus and some of the other fertile Miscanthus
 species can be quite invasive,” she said.

 At a research station near Hornum, Denmark, giant Miscanthus has been
 grown for 22 years in Europe’s longest-running experimental field. The crop
 has never been invasive and rhizome spread has been no more than 1.5
 meters (4.92 feet), said Uffe Jorgensen, senior scientist for the Danish
 Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

 The next step, Long said, is to demonstrate how Miscanthus goes from a
 plant to a power source. Existing U.S. power plants could be modified to
 use Miscanthus for fuel as in Europe, he said.

 Long collaborates with researchers at the Institute of Genomic Biology to
 study whether Miscanthus could be converted to alcohol, which could be
 used as fuel. 

> Keith Addison wrote:
> Hello Doug
> >Presumably they could be used for celulose to alcohol processes.
> More like biomass energy I think, and Fischer-Tropsch fuel:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg09335.html
> Re: [biofuel] VW presents new synthetic fuel strategy
> >I wonder about the invasiveness of miscanthus.
> You might find something at these databases, though I think
> invasiveness is often a synonym for bad management:
> NewCrop SearchEngine at the Center for New Crops & Plant Products at
> Purdue University -- Search for "oil". Results: "The following pages
> containing 'oil' were found -- hits 1-20 of 200". Results are
> hyperlinked to detailed factsheets.
> http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/SearchEngine.html
> Plants For A Future -- Database Search -- See "Search by Use - Select
> any of the following uses. Or select none and use the plant criteria
> below." Select "Other Use" - oil. Results: "Other Use: Oil (460)".
> Results are hyperlinked to detailed factsheets.
> http://www.ibiblio.org/pfaf/D_search.html
> >Thanks to Lawrence F. London on the permaculture list.
> His website:
> http://www.ibiblio.org/london/
> EcoLandTech
> Best
> Keith
> >Doug Woodard
> >St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
> >
> >---------- Forwarded message ----------
> >
> ><http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4220790.stm>
> >
> >Last Updated: Wednesday, 7 September 2005, 00:49 GMT 01:49 UK
> >Tall grasses set to power Europe
> >By Jonathan Amos
> >BBC News science reporter, Dublin
> >
> >Miscanthus, University of Illinois
> >Miscanthus: High output for small input
> >The fields of Europe could soon take on a shimmering silver colour as
> >farmers grow giant grasses to try to mitigate the effects of global warming.
> >
> >The latest studies suggest one form of elephant grass would make a
> >productive "energy crop" to be burnt in power stations to generate
> >electricity.
> >
> >Scientists told a Dublin conference the 4m-high Miscanthus needs little
> >fertiliser to produce very high yields.
> >
> >A breeding programme would improve its economics still further, they said.
> >
> >"There's no reason why in 10 years' time this shouldn't be widely
> >exploited," commented Professor Mike Jones, an Irish expert on plants
> >and climate.
> >
> >"If we grew Miscanthus on 10% of suitable land in [the 15-member]
> >Europe, then we could generate 9% of the gross electricity production,"
> >he told the British Association's Festival of Science.
> >
> >Hectares and barrels
> >
> >Burning biomass is broadly neutral in terms of its emissions of carbon
> >dioxide, the major gas thought responsible for warming the planet.
> >
> >"As the plant grows it is drawing carbon dioxide out of the air,"
> >explained Professor Steve Long, from the University of Illinois. "When
> >you burn it, you put that carbon dioxide back, so the net effect on
> >atmospheric CO2 is zero.
> >
> >"Whereas, if you take coal out of the ground and burn it, you are adding
> >a net gain of carbon to the atmosphere."
> >
> >Professor Long has been cultivating a hybrid of two Miscanthus species
> >on plots in his home state. The project has managed to achieve yields of
> >60 tonnes of dry material per hectare.
> >
> >This is a considerable improvement on the trials that have been
> >conducted in Europe, where a typical yield is some 12 tonnes per hectare.
> >
> >But even this lower production provides an energy content equivalent to
> >about 36 barrels of crude oil. And with a barrel currently priced around
> >$60, such a yield would have a potential value of about $2,160 per hectare.
> >
> >Growing interest
> >
> >"Biomass crops have always been viewed as something that can only make a
> >tiny contribution to mitigating rising carbon dioxide," said Professor Long.
> >
> >"The point we want to make is that it could actually make a major
> >contribution and it doesn't require big technological breakthroughs to
> >do that."
> >
> >Farmers are increasingly being drawn to the idea. One of its attractions
> >is that harvesting takes place at times of the year when machinery in
> >not being used on food crops.
> >
> >Added Professor Jones: "This is definitely being taken seriously in the
> >UK, where the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is now
> >funding a major breeding programme."
> >
> >One farmers' cooperative also plans to cultivate 10,000 hectares for
> >burning over the next three years.
> >
> >
> >Climate food crisis 'to deepen'
> >05 Sep 05 |  Science/Nature
> >Asian peat fires add to warming
> >03 Sep 05 |  Science/Nature
> >UK 'lagging on biomass potential'
> >11 May 04 |  Science/Nature
> >
> >BA Festival of Science
> >BA Festival of Science Webcasts
> >Trinity College Dublin
> >Science for a Successful Ireland
> >The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

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