I'm in Waterloo, still a bit of a drive form bowmanville.  There was this kid in line at lunch ahead of me this summer who was talking about HFI with his buddy.  Apparently he did a coop work term there.  I bet if I check with the mech eng boys I can find someone if not that same guy.  Sometimes these guys are sworn to secrecy about thier coop terms but it is amazing what they discuss at the pub!!  We also have an alternative fuels group here at UW but they are about ethanol.  Still they may know something.  If I get a chance I 'll poke around....


Darryl McMahon wrote:
According to the CHEC website (http://www.chechfi.ca/), the unit uses 4 
litres of distilled water in 12,000 km.

I'm as much a hydrogen skeptic as anyone, but I would like to see 
someone investigate this further.  The company is in Bowmanville, ON. 
I'm about 400 km away.  I know there are list members closer than that. 
  Anyone up for a visit to check them out.

I have corresponded in the past with Steve Gilchrist (when he was 
Commissioner of Alternate Energy for Ontario), and I believe he is for 
real.  That doesn't mean I am convinced that this technology works. 
However, I think they present enough credible information that it bears 
checking out.

Darryl McMahon

Zeke Yewdall wrote:
Hmmmm.  Well, considering that they go through 100 gallons of diesel
fuel in an 8 hour day, and water (even clean water) is way more
plentiful than diesel), that actually doesn't seem that bad if it
allows saving maybe 5% of the diesel fuel.

How many gallons of water would it take to grow the 5 gallons of biodiesel?

Of course, saving the 5 gallons of diesel is the part that I'm not
sure I believe.

On 11/17/05, Greg and April <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Over 90 gal of water in a 8 hr day.

The water has to be pure or deposits will form.

The waste of purifying water takes at least two forms, waste water full of
salts and/or heat.

Again, H2 sounds nice, but, proves to be fake.

Greg H.

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 23:50
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] truckers choose hydrogen power

Hi Greg,

On water consumption, some order of magnitude, back of an envelope,
calculations can be done (don't look for precision, I'm making several
assumptions).  A 10 liter diesel engine at 1800 rpm will consume (no

300 liters of air per second. If significant enhancement of performance
requires 5% H2 in the intake airstream, the H2 production rate must be 15
liters/second (.05 x 300 liters). This represents 0.67 moles H2, (one mole
H2 is 22.4 liters). Electrolylsis of one mole of H2O (18 ml) yields one

of H2. In one hour of operation at 1800 rpm the engine will consume 2,412
moles of H2 (54,029 liters of H2 gas). To produce this volume of H2 gas

require electrolysis of 43.4  liters of water (about 11.5 gallons) per

or about 260 liters on a typical 6 hour run.

Another aspect has to do with the amount of electrical energy needed to
transform, per second, 12 cc of liquid water to 15 liters of H2 gas. I

that, and the associated efficiency losses to others.

I make no judgment about the overall efficiency,  efficacy or worthiness

this technique.  As to whether it works or not, as Hakan might say,  puede
que si, o puede que no.


Bob, West Linn, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg and April" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] truckers choose hydrogen power

I have been wondering what the rate of water usage is.

Greg H.

----- Original Message -----
From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 19:37
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] truckers choose hydrogen power

This process does not violate thermodynamics, and may POSSIBLY result
in a small improvement in overall efficiency.  A minor improvement in
thermal efficiency using a 5% hydrogen supplement has been documented
by scientists as renown as Sir Harry Ricardo.  This is because
hydrogen acts to speed up combustion, and gases that would otherwise
continue to expand through the engine's exhaust port and manifold are
"hurried" into producing work while still in the chamber.

Now, whether or not this results in a net efficiency gain depends on
how efficient the onboard electrolytic device happens to be.  I have
built several electrolyzers and I'm skeptical, particularly when I
read the hype written into this article.  A ten liter truck engine
inhales an AWFUL lot of air, particularly under boost, so that
electrolyzer would have to put out a fairly significant volume of
hydrogen to make a difference.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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