Alt.EnergyNetwork wrote:

>It  might be a good idea to get rid of 
>those nasty Diebolt rigged voting machines that left no paper trail.
>During the election the ceo of that co, told Bush " I'll deliver Ohio".

This is being parroted way out of context.  The CEO of Diebold was 
chairman of some committee - I forget whether it was the Republican 
party or a re-election committee - that was working on re-electing 
Bush.  He was clearly speaking in this capacity.

Yes, he should have known better than to utter something like that, but 
surrounded by fellow Republicans at a re-election rally it's understandable.

>On a similar note, a local professor obtained the machine code for the units
>and had his students analize it. They found that it used an encryption key
>that had been discontinued in 1994 and was easily hackable by phone line.
>Might want to leave a proper paper trail next time, so at least
>the count can be verified for irregularities.

My take on the last election is that if something happened to steal the 
election it was likely done at the central points that tallied votes 
from voting machines all over - optically scanned systems as well as the 
paperless blackboxes.

Anyone interested in knowing more should surf on over to and get a good background.

BTW, if anyone has the exit polls of the 2004 presidential election 
before the polling organization "corrected" them to match the reported 
vote totals, please contact me off-list.

--- David

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