Hi, I hope you doing good.

I will build a processor.  I would like to describe it to you and have your 
opinion on if it's going to be working good or if it miss something.

I've attack a picture with the mail.

The processor will be made of four metal can, if I'm not wrong, it's 20 
liter each.  They will stand one on top of each other.
So first of all, I pour the oil into the filter.  Then a pump get the oil on 
the top one.  Then it's heat until there is no more water into it.
After the water is out, the heat drop to 65 degC and the lye and methanol is 
add.  A pump will gently take the oil from the bottom and take it back to 
the top.
When the reaction is complete, the heater stop, the pump too and it settle 
for like an hour.
When the mix is split, I pour glycŽrine in the bottom can and the 
methylester on the middle one.
I wash the biodiesel twice.  (Should I install a pump here to shake the oil 
violently here while it's being wash?) (also, what do I do with this water?)
For the glycerine, what do I do to purify it?
Of course, Each component is link with the methanol recuperator.

So this is the processor I would like to build.

Also, what metal can I use for the piping.  For exemple, when I link the 
reactor with the washing tank with some pipe, does the pipe need to be in 
cupper...aluminium...steel...which material is ok?  And if I weld this pipe 
to the reactor using metal I melt with a torch (plumbing welding), what kind 
of metal can I use?

Thank you for the help.

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