See also:

Does SRI Work?

Top Indian Plant Geneticist Rebuts "Nature"

Fantastic Rice Yields Fact or Fallacy?

SRI Homepage/System of Rice Intensifcation - Cornell International 
Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD):

"How to help rice plants grow better and produce more: teach yourself 
and others" -- Association Tefy Saina, Madagascar, and Cornell 
International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (180kb 
Acrobat file):

"Technical Presentation of the System of Rice Intensification,
Based on Katayama's Tillering Model", by Fr. Henri de LaulaniĀŽ, who 
worked with Malagasy farmers for 35 years to develop SRI (208kb 
Acrobat file)


The Institute of Science in Society

Science Society Sustainability

This article can be found on the I-SIS website at 

ISIS Press Release 06/10/05

Less is More for Nepali Rice

A low input rice system has more than doubled yield in Nepal. 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Rhea Gala

For the past three years a dozen farmers in Morang District near the 
Nepali-Indian border 300 miles south of the capital Kathmandu have 
been testing a new cultivation method for rice. Using only a fraction 
of the normal amount of local mansuli variety rice seed and far less 
water than usual, their yield has more than doubled. The method does 
not need the fields to be flooded, as is traditionally the case, and 
chemical fertilisers and pesticides are not required.

Success arises from the mode of cultivation where the seedlings are 
transplanted from the nursery beds when they are only two weeks old 
instead of six; and the field is drained instead of flooded. 
Seedlings are spaced farther apart and produce many more shoots than 
when planted conventionally, causing the harvest to more than double. 
A normal paddy field needs 50 kilogrammes of seed per hectare, yet 
this method uses less than ten kilogrammes.

This is the latest success for this type of low input rice 
cultivation which is called the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) 
and has already given marvellous yields in many countries (see 
"Fantastic rice yields: Fact or fallacy?", "Top Indian rice 
geneticist rebuts SRI critics", and "Does SRI work?" 

Farmers reaped bumper harvests

Farmer Dan Bahadur Rajbansi was transplanting his rice seedlings this 
year using the system of rice intensification as many others delayed 
while awaiting a late monsoon. Ananta Ram Majhi, another of Morang 
district's rice farmers, admits he was sceptical. "Initially, I 
thought to myself, if this is such a great idea why didn't my 
ancestors think of it? But I decided to take the chance and this is 
my third year using the new method." Majhi, who used to harvest five 
tonnes per hectare and is now getting at least twice as much, has 
achieved this yield with only one-third of the seed he used before, 
and with less water.

Local agriculture officer Rajendra Uprety first read about the 
technique on the Internet and decided to try it. "Since 2002, we've 
achieved double and triple harvests on test plots. It's just 
amazing." He said.

News of the bumper harvests have spread quickly from Morang where 
about 100 farmers are now using the new method. Uprety, who brings 
farmers from other districts on inspection visits, laughs, "Actually, 
it has been more difficult convincing the agronomists and officials 
than the farmers".

Scientists remain sceptical

International scientists and agriculture research institutes have 
been hard to convince too. Henri de LaulaniĀŽ, a French Jesuit priest 
working in Madagascar, devised the new method back in 1983, but it 
was only after Norman Uphoff of the International Institute for Food, 
Agriculture and Development at Cornell University in the US started 
pushing the idea in 1997 that it was taken seriously.

Nevertheless SRI has been tried and tested by many thousands of 
farmers in about 20 countries, from Cuba to China. Tens of thousands 
of farmers have adopted the method in the few years since researchers 
introduced it to Cambodia in 2001. And there, as in India, Laos, and 
Sri Lanka, farmers are reporting that SRI means bigger harvests and 
better incomes, for fewer seeds and less water.

But critics maintain that the scientific evidence for such claims is 
lacking because most field trial results have not been recorded in 
detail and published in peer-reviewed journals. When researchers at 
the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and colleagues 
tested SRI in field trials in China, they found no difference in 
yield between SRI and conventionally-grown rice. Their study, 
published in Field Crops Research in March 2004, concluded that: "SRI 
has no major role in improving rice production generally".

IRRI prefers high input agriculture

But perhaps IRRI has no interest in low input farmer friendly agriculture.

IRRI is the world's leading international rice research and training 
centre and describes itself as an "autonomous, nonprofit institution" 
that is "focused on improving the well-being of present and future 
generations of rice farmers and consumers, particularly those with 
low incomes." It is also part of the Consultative Group on 
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) an association of public 
and private donor agencies that funds 16 international research 

Both IRRI and CGIAR have come under criticism for supporting a 
corporate agenda, for example by breeding high yielding rice 
varieties, that have caused the loss of over 100,000 local varieties, 
and that rely heavily on chemical inputs and frequent irrigation. 
Indigenous varieties capable of giving a higher yield were 
deliberately excluded from these programmes.

IRRI's annual reports from 1963-1982 show grants from a whole array 
of US and European chemical corporations including Monsanto, Shell 
Chemical, Union Carbide Asia, Bayer Philippines, Eli Lily, 
OccidentalChemical, Ciba Geigy (later part of Novartis Seeds which is 
now part of Syngenta), Chevron Chemical, Upjohn, Hoechst, and 
Cyanamid Far East.

While farmer dependency on expensive external inputs has increased 
hugely, yields from Green Revolution cultivation are in wide decline 
or are stagnating. Since 1990, the focus at IRRI has been on 
developing GM rice, another technology aimed at making profit for 
agribusiness at the expense of people and the environment.

At CGIAR's Annual General Meeting in 2002 near the IRRI in the 
Philippines, farmers protested calling for both institutions to be 
dismantled. The protesters issued a statement saying "We believe that 
a genuine, farmer-centred research institution should develop 
technologies that shall liberate farmers from dependence on any 
agro-chemical TNC, promote sustainable agriculture, conserve the 
environment, and protect the health of farmers."

Trainers spread the word

For Rajendra Uprety in Nepal, the results of SRI speak for 
themselves. He points out that the technique's success depends on 
skilful farming, good timing, and careful planting and drainage. 
Since planting on flooded paddy fields helped to control weeds, the 
drier SRI fields need weeding several times during the growing 
season. But the benefits far outweigh these obstacles, he says, 
adding that the main challenge is training.

He has turned local farmers, like Kishore Luitel, now total converts, 
into trainers. A few years ago, farmer Rajbansi thought Luitel had 
gone mad for adopting the new technique. But earlier this year, 
Luitel was in Rajbansi's field teaching him how to plant his 
seedlings the new way, with the tiny two-week- old seedlings 
individually placed 20 centimetres apart in the sticky mud and not 10 
centimetres apart in the slushy mud as was usual.

Luitel points to his own field where rice now grows in thick tufts 
with more than 80 shoots from one seed. "Using the old method, you 
plant three or four seedlings in one spot and you only get about ten 
shoots per seed," he says.

For Uprety and Luitel, seeing is believing. They are convinced that 
no part of Nepal need be short of food anymore if SRI is promoted 
nationally. Every year, Nepal needs to produce more than 90 000 
tonnes of rice seeds. The SRI advocates say the method would save 80 
000 tonnes and harvests nationwide could be doubled.

Uprety sums it up: "Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones."

The continuing spread of SRI and other appropriate farming 
technologies in Africa and Asia via the internet, and by word of 
mouth gives hope to many communities in the Third World. However, 
improvements to local economies could have happened years ago if 
research institutes such as IRRI and the CGIAR had really had the 
well being of present and future generations of farmers at heart.

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