How about shall we not say "nefarious purposes."

Ehh, it was a failed attempt at being humorous. I use that one all the time at work. Sometimes it works, sometimes it falls on its face.

The salt will precipitate during the FFA recovery.

And glycerol is not going to be worth anything more as a fuel source
than is sugar. It's an alcohol that's as thick and as sweet as honey in
it's pure state. If you've seen sugar burn then you're already familiar
with what glycerol would burn like.

Ahh. Gotcha.

You'd have better luck getting the glycerol cocktail to burn, as it has
a higher energy value due to the methanol and FFAs in the soap.

As for producing NaCl from any process? The intent should be to steer
processes away from creating waste products, not creating more. The wash
process doesn't need to be a brine to work. The caustic should be
potassium whenever possible and the waste salt from FFA recovery should
be something that has and end use, such as potassium phosphate, making
the process an almoste entirely closed loop.

Glycerol disposal (that's after methanol, caustic and useable FFAs are
recovered) can either be by sale or simply dissolved in the treated wash
water and dispersed as gray water irrigation.

Again, the purpose should be to reduce the waste stream, not add to it.

Seeing now the negative response in the other  e-mail chain,  I understand that. I was just trying to think of some way to use more of your "waste" products if this route were to be taken. Not deliberately generate more of them, y'know? If salt was to be a byproduct then it would seem logical to try and come up with some manner of use for the salt, but seeing as how it won't be necessary then I guess it truly would be a waste product after all.


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