So far I have made two batches of fuel. Both times I had some emulsion 
during the first wash.  I drained the emulsion off with the wash water and 
rewashed the remaining fuel until it was clear then put it in my 55 gallon 
drum do dry.  Befor I put it into my new turbo diesel suburban, I thought I 
would do two more final test.  I pumped some fuel into a jar,  added water 
and shook it up.  The water seperated in about ten minutes with clear fuel 
on top and clean water on the bottom.  so far so good.  My second test was 
to re-process the fuel like virgin oil.  I mixed 3.5 grams of lye with 200ml 
of methanol, put this mix in the blender for a minute then added 1000ml of 
my finished diesel fuel.and mixed for 15 more minutes.  After letting this 
settle for two hours I have cloudy fuel on top and about one inch of what 
looks like clear fuel on the bottom..  The bottom layer is not dark like 
glycerine but clear like washed fuel.  When you re-process  already 
processed biodiesel, what  happens to the methoxide?  does it seperate to 
the top or bottom or does it stay mixed with the fuel? 

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