Yeah I didn't write that Marilyn.  I did respond to that post though.  You must have replied to my post and snipped out my response which I have copied below after the post you erroneously attribute to me.  Keith hates it when people do that.  I've done it too by accident. Be careful Keith seems a little testy these days especially about the archives.... BTW great post otherwise :-)
I'm no expert, but it seems to me that there are agreements with 
countries around the world, like the Geneva convention, and who knows 
what else, that prohibit attacking citizens, public infrastructure, 

I'm sure that someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

Well what about the military action taken on the Faluja General Hospital?  That was an undisputable violation of the Geneva convention.  The US government is clearly guilty of international war crimes.  I don't understand why the people of that country are not doing anything about this.  There are plenty of grounds for impeachment without anyone getting thier lips dirty!


Joe Street wrote:
I'm no expert, but it seems to me that there are agreements with 
countries around the world, like the Geneva convention, and who knows 
what else, that prohibit attacking citizens, public infrastructure, 

I'm sure that someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

Agreeing to be part of the UN is supposed to mean agreeing not to wage 
preemptive war. The British are having arguments at high levels in 
government about the illegality of the Iraq invasion. The article below by an 
American law professor also talks about treaties, agreements  and 
international law being ignored:

Reaping the Whirlwind: Departures from International Law Helped Create 
Climate for Iraq Prison Abuses    

JURIST Guest Columnist Michael Kelly of Creighton University School of Law 
says the Bush Administration's general disregard for international treaties and 
standards facilitated an atmosphere in which US personnel could flout the 
Geneva Conventions and abuse Iraqi prisoners...
"The Bush Administration has consistently signaled for three and a half years 
that international law does not matter. The American military and civilian 
personnel at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad apparently received that signal 
loud and clear. Not only did they fail to follow the requirements of the Geneva 
Convention on Treatment of POW's, according to the Red Cross, no copies of 
the treaty were to be found on-site.

The list of high-profile treaties broken or withdrawn by this government is a 
long one that includes denunciation of the Rome Statute creating the 
International Criminal Court, pulling out of the Kyoto Protocol to diminish 
ozone-depleting gases, and unilateral withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic 
Missile Treaty over initial Russian objections. An overwhelming majority of 
nations condemned each of these moves as irresponsible and self-serving, 
but Washington paid little heed - steadfastly pursuing short-term political 
gains instead of America's long-term global interests. International law was 
undermined and flouted. 

When the invasion of Iraq became a front-burner issue, the world implored the 
Bush Administration not to do it, threatening everything from vetoes in the UN 
to political recrimination. America again disregarded the objections and went 
forward. The Security Council was subverted in the process and a creaky pre-
World War II theory of justified pre-emptive strikes was resurrected. Again 
international law was cast aside.
When questions arose as to whether Geneva Convention protections would 
be extended to those captured in Afghanistan, President Bush dismissed the 
landmark 55-year-old treaty regime as a series of “legalisms” he would 
consider in making his decision. 

This unapologetic pattern of discounting the importance of international law 
helped create an environment where it could easily by disregarded by those 
who were supposed to follow it. That subtle message was especially potent 
when coupled with the specific message to extract all information possible out 
of detainees to help further the war on terrorism. 

How can the privates and sergeants on the ground at Abu Ghraib be faulted 
for following the lead of their commander-in-chief? They can be faulted 
because they should be regarded as rational, thinking human beings - the 
same as those they tortured. The fact that international law was simply 
disregarded made the process easier, but no more excusable. 

America has begun to reap the whirlwind of its policy-line ignoring 
international law. It is held in the lowest regard foreign nations have had for it 
in decades, and it suffers from diminished standing worldwide. The abuses at 
Abu Ghraib are a particularly ugly gust of that whirlwind that has blown back 
in Washington's face. Re-embracing international law and the United Nations 
(and the unique legitimacy each can bestow) could help us weather and 
avoid the fury of such storms."

Michael Kelly is Associate Professor of Law of International Law at Creighton 
University School of Law in Omaha, Nebraska, and the co-author of Equal 
Justice in the Balance, Assessing America's Legal Responses to the 
Emerging Terrorist Threat (University of Michigan Press 2004). 

May 19, 2004


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