I wrote :
In grams :
((3x1)+16+64) + (3x40) --> ((3x23)+16+64) + (3x18)  ---------> 203 = 203
So the reaction is equal now.
That means you need one mole of H3PO4 + 3 moles of NaOH to react completely and split your residue.
As you will understand now, I hope, you need 98 grams of H3PO4 for every 40 grams of NaOH you used.
This should be : 98 grams of H3PO4 (is one mole) for 3 moles of NaOH which is 120 grams. Not 40 grams
40 grams is 1 mole.
I hope I can give you an explaination in english, because I am from Holland :
You start with the amount of NaOH you used to make your batch of BD.
For example 5 kg for 800 liters of BD.
So you use 5 kg NaOH, which you will all find back in the bottom layer residue.
1 mole of NaOH weighs 23 + 16 + 1 makes 40 grams.
23 + 16 + 1 are the mole weights of the elements. You can find them in te periodic system of elements in every schoolbook of chemistry.
Now you mix with phosphoric acid, but what percentage ?
Phosphoric acid is H3PO4, which has a mole weight of (3x1) + 31 + (4x16) =98 grams
What you should try to reach is a complete reaction between the acid and the NaOH
The reaction would be : H3PO4 +NaOH --> Na3PO4 + H20
Now make it equal, so it gets to :
H3PO4 + 3NaOH --> Na3PO4 + 3H2O
In grams :
((3x1)+16+64) + (3x40) --> ((3x23)+16+64) + (3x18)  ---------> 203 = 203
So the reaction is equal now.
That means you need one mole of H3PO4 + 3 moles of NaOH to react completely and split your residue.
As you will understand now, I hope, you need 98 grams of H3PO4 for every 40 grams of NaOH you used.
Of course if you have a phosphoric acid of let's say 75%, it means that if you take 1 kilo of that, you have 750 grams of phosphoric acid.
All together, if you don't take enough acid, you won't split your residue completely, but if you take too much acid, you will find the surplus somewhere in the FFA's , or maybe on the bottom, or maybe solved in either of them, or maybe.........
I hope I helped you with this.
----- Original Message -----
From: john owens
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] seperating Glycerine


I did couple of tests on glycerin separation with the titration method
on JTF with different results.

Test One;
250ml byproduct
10ml phosphoric
shacked vigorously

There was separation with 3 layers about 60/30/10 within about 15 minutes.
FFa Glycerin and fluffy white sodium phosphate

Test two;
250ml byproduct
10ml phosphoric
shaked vigorously
I then added 5ml phosphoric
shaked vigorously
I added  more phosphoric  to see what would happen.

there was separation with In about one minute with two layers about 50/50
with creamy brown stuff on the bottom. FFa on top

I then added more phosphoric until I got separation of a reddish colour onbottom. this has being sitting for 4 hours or so.
In the jar there is about (40/60 (ffa/glycerin) with a very fine white layer on the bottom.  
I made a mistake with the last mail.

There is a greater amount of glycerin in test two and less ffa

Could any one explain to me what is happening

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