>Thanks Keith,
>I caught them all on this end so no damage here.  Seems this is the risk
>we take to be a part of the information age.  I wish to thank you for
>all your efforts on that end.  What a great list this is ! I thank you
>for all your efforts.

You're most welcome Jim, thanks for saying so... but I think if there 
are to be thanks we'll all have to share them. Dammit, ascii has its 
limitations - how do you do a smiley that bows? (Or have I been in 
Japan too long?) O kage samade.

All best


>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Dear all
> >
> >I'm sorry about this, it's happened a few times recently that viruses
> >have got through to the list membership.
> >
> >It shouldn't have happened, the list server is set to convert all
> >code to ascii and to reject all attachments, but there seems to be a
> >hole in the Mailman software and a few viruses have slipped through
> >anyway.
> >
> >It is a little strange that they've all purported to come from either
> >me or Midori at Journey to Forever, but it has nothing to do with us
> >nonetheless. Viruses steal other people's addresses and use them as a
> >false sender's address, and there's no way of stopping it. Our
> >computers are not sending out viruses.
> >
> >The list's host service has now added an extra layer of virus
> >protection covering the entire Biofuel list, and that should help.
> >They don't normally do that because it takes extra bandwidth, it's
> >only the Biofuel list that has this service.
> >
> >Beyond that, we're working on it, but hopefully there shouldn't be
> >any more viruses.
> >
> >All best
> >
> >Keith Addison
> >Journey to Forever
> >KYOTO Pref., Japan
> >http://journeytoforever.org/
> >Biofuel list owner

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