Hello Keith, Pan and all,
Apologies for my long silence and less than quick responses to some earlier
posts, particularly on abiogenic petroleum, which need further research. I
hope to soon make amends.

It has been pouring whole lakeful(l)s on Chennai this season and the past
week has been one long stretch of continual pounding from the skies. Haven't
had rains like this since the Eighties. The raingods seem to have quaffed
too much local beer and are venting their overblown bladders on the hapless
populace, which can't even run for cover as homes are already under several
feet of water. All these years , the friendly neighbouring states of
Karnataka & Tamilnadu were fighting over rights to the measly waters flowing
down the Kaveri and are now equally active performing reverse somersaults on
why dams should or should not be raised.

Good news in the meanwhile on the renewables front.
With 7000 MW of renewable energy grid power capacity currently installed in
India -- representing 7 percent of the total installed grid power in the
country -- and wind power alone contributing 4 percent with an installed
capacity of 4225 MW, the country's Minister for Non-Conventional Energy
Sources announced that India ranks fourth after Germany, the U.S. and Spain.

A few days back some of the oil biggies in India issued tenders for B100
under the government mandate of 20% BD blending with High Speed Diesel. But
going by the experience of sugar mills, which were offered below-cost prices
by the same biggies for anhydrous ethanol for similarly mandated blending
with gasoline (petrol), one is cautious in optimism.


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