Greetings Mike

>Greetings Keith,
>I'm going to try it on kerosene and if that works I'll know it's not the
>stove.  I have heard from some other Petromax owners that there
>may have been a bad batch of stoves.  This one does have a bad pressure
>gauge.  I will call Britelyt and see what they say.

Good, and good luck.

>The BD I put in it was not winterised and came out of a cold storage
>shed so it was a little thick, so I cut it with some dino.  It came
>close to lighting - a lot of sputtering.  I heated the stove ring with a
>propane torch.  I've been using the same BD in my car @ 50/50 w/ dino
>and so far it's been ok.
>By meths do mean methanol?

Sorry, actually I meant methylated spirits, denatured ethanol, but I 
usually use methanol, it doesn't seem to make any difference. I've 
heard of people using a bit of rag soaked in vegetable oil.

>Do you think Isopropyl would work?

I don't know, I don't have much experience of burning it. I guess it 
should work.

>I hope to have time to get back to it this weekend.
>I will write up what I discover and post it.


>I'm not ready to give up on the stove yet!

I'm sure it should work, disappointing if it doesn't.

All best


>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Hi Mike
> >
> >I'm puzzled. We use 100% biodiesel in this stove, a standard kerosene
> >pressure stove from India:
> >
> >
> >It's just the same as all the other pressure stoves and blowtorches
> >I've used, Primus and so on, and pressure lanterns (I had an Aida
> >Petromax lantern). There's a trough under the burner, you fill it
> >with meths and light it, by the time it's nearly all burnt up the
> >pipes are hot enough to gasify the fuel, pump up the pressure and
> >you're away. It works just the same with biodiesel, never fails. It
> >does get cold here (it IS cold here!). The Aida was a bit more
> >complicated, but basically the same IIRC. Aida's the same as
> >BriteLyt. It's hard to see much detail in the picture of the BriteLyt
> >stove at their website, but I'm surprised it's not working.
> >
> >Up to now I'd have said it's not that you're lucky if you can get a
> >kero pressure stove to burn biodiesel, more like you're unlucky if
> >you can't. I've found the BriteLyt folks responsive in the past, and
> >they seem to be interested in biofuels applications. Why don't you
> >ask them to help you? They probably will, and if you'd be so kind you
> >could forward it here so Ken and others get an answer too.
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>So far all attempts to light it have failed.  It's 30 degrees here and
> >>that may have something to do with it.  I cut the BD w/ a good shot of
> >>Dino diesel and still no go.  I got the preheater going but no flame on
> >>the ring.  I brought it inside overnight to warm up and will try it
> >>again.  If it doesn't go I'll mix in some kerosene.  The booklet says
> >>you have to preheat for 3 1/2 mins sometimes to get BD lit.  It came
> >>smelling of kerosene to I expect the factory lit it and tested it.  FWIW
> >>the pressure gauge is bad but it does hold pressure.
> >>
> >>I had hoped to use it to heat oil so the the bd process was all fueled
> >>by BD.
> >>
> >>I also looked at some of the camping stoves but they are very expensive
> >>and designed to be as light weight as possible.  The guy at the camping
> >>store said the thinner distillates works best.
> >>
> >>We'll see,
> >>
> >>Mike
> >>
> >>Ken Dunn wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Please, let us know how it does, Mike.
> >>>
> >>>Take care,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>On 12/5/05, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Just got a Britelyt today.  Haven't been able to get it to light on BD
> >>>>but I think it may be due to the fuel being too cold.  Will report back
> >>>>if I get it going.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Ken Dunn wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>What is everyone using as a heat source for preheating?  I'm thinking
> >>>>>about buying the BriteLyt mentioned on JtF.  I could use it for other
> >>>>>purposes as well which would be nice.  Anyone test it?  Care to
> >>>>>comment?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Take care,
> >>>>>Ken

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