No offense taken, Keith. I don't by any means wish to say that things are
not bad (in fact some of my friends seem to regard me as the local
Sarcophagus McAbre), I just think that negative voting has some potential
for making them worse.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Sat, 21 Jan 2006, Keith Addison wrote:

> I'm sorry Doug, I didn't mean to be rude, I hope you're not offended.
> > >The problem with negative voting is that you can be left without a
> > >legislator from a given constituency, or without an executive - maybe
> > >without a functioning legitimate government.
> It's not easy to find such a thing anyway, and never has been.
> "Legitimate" means in accordance with the law. Who makes the law? The
> government does. Ah, but they're elected by the people to represent
> the people's interests. Well, are they really.
> It's the time of the Other Superpower, and the powers-that-be are
> seeing the signs:
> [Biofuel] A global public opinion survey shows people losing faith in
> governments
> 16 Dec 2005
> ... "an alarming picture of declining levels of trust". (Davos)
> [Biofuel] New Surveys Show That Big Business Has a P.R. Problem
> New York Times, December 9, 2005
> "More than ever, Americans do not trust business or the people who run it."
> Etc etc. So let's put it to the test. Who exactly do our elected
> representatives really represent? Everybody knows the answer to that.
> The trouble is they "know" a whole lot of other stuff too. Such as
> that elections are level, and indeed that they count at all, that
> their vote matters.
> > > > Or maybe there'd be record high turn-outs and we'd get
> > > > to see if anybody had a mandate at all, including the entire system.
> That's what Davos et al have to demonstrate beyond any doubt if
> they're so concerned about their "alarming picture of declining
> levels of trust". That's what the Other Superpower wants too. So
> let's see them do it. Or let's kick them out.
> Best wishes
> Keith

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