Joe Street wrote:

> Well there may be something to this.  It may not be the main source of 
> greenhouse gas but IIRC methane is 6 times more potent as a greenhouse 
> gas than CO2 and there are a lot of cows being grown to serve the 
> north american obsession with beef. And they do fart a hell of a lot!  
> Consider also that the lion's share of oxygen comes not from trees as 
> many a tree hugger has suggested but from algae in the sea. Tiny 
> bubbles..... Well I have heard that more methane is released by 
> termites than any other single source.  Is this information 
> debunkable?  I'd like to know.

I think the actual figure is that methane is ~24 times more effective as 
a greenhouse gas than CO2.  For real information on global warming and 
climate change, move on over to  That's a 
site run by actual climate scientists, and there is no doubt in their 
minds about mankinds changes to the environment.

As for termites, you can color me skeptical. lists methane from livestock 
(see enteric fermentation) as about 20% of US methane emissions from 
human related sources, following landfills and natural gas systems. certainly 
makes it sound like the majority of methane released (60%) to the 
atmosphere is related to human activity.  Google doesn't seem to have 
much on termites, methane, and global warming in the first few pages of 
results, that would indicate termites are a significant source.

--- David

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