Yah. One really good idea. Help him build a business/plant step by step 
via the internet.

Bring him into the conversation, take inventory of his site and 
available materials and back him up whenever he's ready to put wrenches 
to fittings.

Todd Swearingen

Keith Addison wrote:

>Does anyone have any good advice for Elad Orian? Respond direct or 
>(better) discuss onlist - I gave him the list archives link so he can 
>follow any onlist discussions (or join). I think there are many 
>projects similar to what he envisages, and it would be good to hear 
>about them.
>>Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 16:37:11 +0200
>>From: Elad Orian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Bio-Diesel in Palestine
>>Dear Journey to Forever,
>>my name is Elad Orian and I am an Israeli peace activist. Together 
>>with a Palestinian partner from the west bank we have envisioned the 
>>construction of a medium sized Bio-Diesel production plant (starting 
>>from around 1000 liters a day) at the Palestinian village of Bil'in. 
>>The village has been the center and the symbol of the joint 
>>Palestinian-Israeli struggle against the construction of the 
>>separation barrier that Israel is building and land confiscation and 
>>we felt that in order to take the cooperation to the next level we 
>>need to start positive constructive work.
>>The Bio-Diesel option came naturally as an environmentally friendly, 
>>community supporting and economically sustainable enterprise. We 
>>wish to build a production system with the following characteristics:
>>1. environmentali sound
>>2. locally built
>>3. long lasting
>>4. growing capacity
>>5. efficient
>>Your site is the most comprehensive and accesible information source 
>>on the web and I was hoping to hear from you whether you know of any 
>>other initiatives with similar characteristics (i.e. in between 
>>backyard producers and full scale corporate factories) I could 
>>contact to learn from and maybe even visit.
>>many thanks indeed,
>>elad orian
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