I found the slowdown. It's not a server and with paralleal computing it's
slowed down.

What is Sleekfreak?

Sleekfreak is enjoying its new home in a 1.1 ghz athlon, with a gig of ram
and scsi raid 1 storage. It is running the Woody release of Debian/GNU
linux. It functions as secondary secure wireless access point, router,
authoritative nameserver, web server, smtp/pop3 server, ftp server, cvs
server, ssh server, and irc server for the Sleekfreak Pirate Broadcast. It
also serves as a fully configured multimedia X-Window workstation, complete
with graphics, audio, programming, web design, virtual reality programming,
office, accounting, and network software, in addition to being part of a
heterogenous parallel computing cluster... the ghetto ring


Logan Vilas

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of doug
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:30 PM
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] A wealth of manuals

Logan Vilas wrote:

>I'm having the same problems downloading the link, but I'm downloading the
>entire web site. I'll see how that goes. So far it's about 30-50kb/s
>Logan Vilas
After several attempts at the cd.iso file, I just started going through 
the links and DL the pages that are of primary interest to me at this 
time...  some ag, some fuels, food preservation, energy systems, etc.  
Just using the "download link target" (Right click in Mozilla) doesn't 
include graphics on each page, and several of the link targets would 
have opened to another index, listing more links.  An FTP would be nice, 
or Torrent,  But this seems to be working.

I'd bet that the biofuels list members flocking to this site and viewing 
and downloading pages may be part of the reason that their server 
appears so slow.  Sure, it could handle the load if it was a high speed 
connection, but I get the impression that it isn't, or it may be restricted.

Loads of great info there though!

doug swanson

Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.

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