This is the first time I've heard of a Daniel Pipes connection. It's certainly not difficult to believe. There is definitely an agenda at work, especially having heard of it being reprinted in other European publications. Please share what you know about Mr. Pipes.
Here is a excerpt from an article in the Socialist Worker called "Modern-day witch-hunt,
The voices they want to silence" about M. Shahid Alam:
"Pipes declared that Alam 'is a combination of a Marxist and a radical Muslim, someone who sees the Western colonial enterprise as the source of all the problems of the non-Western world. He sees it being the problem in the 18th century, he sees it as the problem today. Whatever goes wrong with the world is our fault...He has great antagonism toward this country, though I might add, he’s an immigrant to this country.'"
As you listen to him apologetically explain his justification for hating Muslim activists, do you think Pipes was late for that class on Marxism and Muslim Fanaticism?
So, let me see. He must be saying...
To each Jihad according to it's needs, from each Jihad according to it's abilities?
What a ridiculous bucket of swill!

Disclaimer to victims of the McCarthy legacy: You don't have to be a socialist to appreciate good journalism from a socialist source.

Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Mike

Good on you!

>I was at a meeting on Wednesday to organize against global racism
>(Re: Danish cartoon/"Can't they take a joke", ethnic slums in
>France, etc.).

I've been wanting to post something about the cartoons. Is the role
of Daniel Pipes in all this being acknowledged? The whole thing was a



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