Voting is meaningless?
Well, you are part of a very large demographic if you live in the United States (Ironic - United States).
This demographic stays home at election time, leaving the other (roughly) 50% to cast votes on their behalf while they complain that the government is being run by people who don't act in their best interest.
A vote cast without an informed opinion, (although a guess) is preserving a right.
A vote cast with an informed opinion but without a consensus, preserves a right, serves one's conscience but, lacks the power to change anything.
A vote cast with an informed opinion and a consensus is the backbone of a true democracy. It brings positive change and is unlikely to tolerate much corruption or incompetence.
Not voting is like sending a friendly post card to the ruling class saying "I submit". 
"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people."
- Martin Luther King
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."
- Abraham Lincoln

"Silence, something about silence makes me sick , cuz silence can be violent sorta like a slit wrist."
- Zack de la Rocha
Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am seeing a dichotomy here. I hear some say vote because it is important and then I hear evidence the vote is meaningless and rigged. I tend to think it is pointless at the polls. Voting with your money (or witholding it) is the only practical thing left. What is the point of being rich if you cant buy what you want? That is why the corporations do what they do. Social responsibility is an advertising job.
A new movie  -- "Thank you for Smoking" see it. It is tongue in cheek but OMG on the money.
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