way below Keith queries

"Do you think
the carotene has any effect on anything if you burn it as fuel?"

not really, it only takes a few ppm carotene to color the oil. Even then 
carotene is a hydrocarbon (C40H56), not unlike dinodiesel itself, so I 
really don't think it matters.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Hello Bob, thankyou!
>> Keith Addison wrote:
>>> Hi Bob
>>>> In the case of farmed salmon, I believe the dye is added to the diet,
>>>> not the processed flesh, (not that it makes a lot of difference)
>>>> http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/123199_dye23.html
>>>> similarly, the yolks of commercial eggs are yellow only because large
>>>> amounts of carotenes are added to the diet.  Otherwise the chickens
>>>> which  never leave the house would produce eggs which were essentially
>>>> colorless.
>>> Ulp! Yuk.
>>> Do you happen to know where the added carotene comes from?
>> I'm guessing that it is extracted from red palm oil, but I don't know
>> for sure.
> That's what I was guessing too, I'm aware of the carotene in palm 
> oil, especially crude palm oil. I was wondering if we could maybe 
> shift the blame for the rainforest destruction from biodiesel to the 
> commercial egg hatcheries, LOL!
>> The red is from the high concentration of carotenes, several
>> times greater than tomatoes or carrots.
>> http://www.safarimkt.com/red%20palm%20oil.html
> Thanks for this, I'm doubly glad of that link, sustainable palm oil 
> on the market and not just a theory.
>> Interesting aside, I'm getting waste oil from a company that is paid to
>> haul off the liquid wastes from numerous chicken processing plants. Some
>> of the waste comes from fry-o-lators and I'm guessing, that they are
>> using red palm oil.  My biodiesel made from this oil is quite red, if I
>> use only a base catalysis. If I use an acid/base process, the acid stage
>> degrades the carotenes and the fuel appears the usual dark straw color.
> Michael Allen said the same about processing high-FFA crude palm oil 
> in Thailand. Red biodiesel can be an indication of an incomplete 
> reaction, but probably not when palm oil is involved. Do you think 
> the carotene has any effect on anything if you burn it as fuel?
>>> Also, do you or does anybody know if battery chickens are fed some or
>>> other additive to make the eggshells brown rather than white? That
>>> was being done in the UK in the 70s following market research that
>>> found a public preference for brown eggs, according to a news report
>>> I saw at the time, but I never heard anything further about it.
>> I'm pretty sure that egg shell color is genetic. Only the proper variety
>> of chicken will produce the brown shell, regardless of diet.
> That's what we find. I haven't kept white chickens before, but now we 
> have three and they lay white eggs, the brown ones lay brown eggs. I 
> guess as Zeke says if they eat beetroot they'll have pink eggs, but 
> we often feed them red swiss chard and it doesn't make any 
> difference. They scratch about in the pastures and eat lots of greens 
> and bugs and stuff that I can't even see but they can, they fertilise 
> the pasture for the next crop, they give us lots of real eggs and 
> meat, they have a great time and they're really healthy. Serious 
> lapse of the imagination putting them in a cage, IMHO.
> So anyway, brown eggs are really brown even if yellow yolks aren't 
> really yellow. That's good to know, at least.
> All best
> Keith
> <snip>
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Bob Allen

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