Hi Marilyn

>Keith at Biofuel@sustainablelists.org wrote:
>"Does anything know anything about soldiers being given drugs
>before going into combat, as has been alleged?"
>Several US militiary men returning from Iraq have become violent
>against their wives, some wives being killed by these husbands
>in a California base. There has been a lot of speculation that this
>violence was brought on by reactions to drugs in their systems,
>but I haven't heard of any studies confirming this. If such studies
>did exist, we probably wouldn't hear about them anyway.
>There were news reports in England, where I lived at the time,
>that the Chinese troops who mowed down the protesters in
>Tiannamin Square were given drugs to make them aggressive,
>and this, in addition to being told that the students in the Square
>had been extremely violent, made them willing to kill their own
>people. Did US news sources report this?

I saw those reports, I was also in England then. Google finds some 
smatterings, "unofficial" stuff, eg: "Junior XNA [Xinhua News Agency] 
staffers stopped work after editors suppressed a report, based on 
hospital accounts, that soldiers had been given amphetamines prior to 
clearing out Tiananmen and protesters had been shot with dum dum 
bullets forbidden by the Geneva convention."

Another: "The soldiers had obviously been drugged because sedatives 
were ineffective on them. The doctors believed that military 
personnel had been given amphetamines before being sent into the 
square. As wounded students began streaming back onto the university 
campus, they confirmed the bizarre behavior of the soldiers who they 
reported had been laughing hysterically as they mowed down the 

This is from The Age, not just about Tiananmen Square:

More than once were warriors out of their tiny minds - theage.com.au

I keep hearing about it, but never enough to pin it down. It goes 
back to the WW2 research findings that most soldiers wouldn't pull 
the trigger even under direct attack, not quite the good news the 
military wanted to hear. How to make them kill on demand, so they're 
"capable of violent acts without guilt feelings", ie turn them into 
psychopaths? It seems it's not so easy, the Milgram experiment etc to 
the contrary. Little pills might help though.




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