While learning about market gardening etc, I have come across some real 
good information that I have reason to believe is good.  The ability of 
this stuff to tie up heavy metals makes me want to use it, by itself.  The 
improvement in the health of my plants is a real bonus.  I have personally 
seen the difference in the root development in a potting soil that 
incorporates humates, but it also incorporates a lot of other stuff and I 
am not sure what was in the control.  It was not a scientific experience.

>Humate Booklet
> >>By Dr. Boris Levinsky
> >>

There is just one thing missing:  How do I get my powdered humates into a
liquid form?  The benefits of this stuff for keeping heavy metals out of
the food chain is impressive.  I have no idea why anyone would add the
powder to potting soil, I want to soak my seeds in it.  I do have spraying
equipment, I can follow the recommendations of how much to spray on the
pasture/garden and when.

The one thing I have found no information on is: Do they do any ecological
damage making this stuff?  How sustainable is this product?  Is there
anyway to duplicate the process on the farm?  Since we are looking at
using solutions of 0.015% solution and 0.04%, would the humic acid in compost
tea do the same thing?  I am not trying to be cheap, I have a local supplier
called Rabbit Hill that supplies my feed store, so I am not looking at
heavy waste of fuel to get my hands on the stuff.  We are aiming at being
a truly sustainable farm and therefore outside inputs have to be severely
limited if not eliminated.

Bright Blessings,

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