Keith Addison wrote:

Hey Keith;

Thanks much for posting this.

It's a very interesting concept indeed.

But still, I'm given to pause about the
*real* effect of such a move, as I consider
who actually backs the IMF, and who *really* holds
all that IMF paper, and how deep the Sauds are
into the IMF.

There is a *lot* of talk about folks all over
the world doing dastardly things to wreck the
US Dollar's dominance. And that's all fine.

But again, at the end of the day, who holds
the paper?

Pretty much all these folks are DEEP into
the IMF for EVERYTHING they have.
The IMF draws funds from the "International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development" for it's
'investments' and the IBRD, now known as
the World Bank, last I checked, was financially seeded by, and
is pretty much trades in, US faux-multinational corporation-centric

At the end of the day, All these folks might move to a different
currency, but the world's debt is held by the same players,
so it really doesn't mean shit.

Maybe it does, but international finance has never been
one of my strong suites :-)


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