>I think that the Repugs stealing the election to put Dubya in the WH shows
>that Kerry
>would have been better. Yeah, Kerry is a war machine backer, but Dubya
>is attacking the enviroment, dividing the country, running up unbelievable
>ad infinitum. Kerry's backing of the Iraqi war was totally dumb. But that
>was his only
>major fault. Dubya makes anyone look great in comparison. He is beyond the
>(Cheney is a supreme conniver and is, of course, more dangerous than Dubya.
>is limited, but plays his role as a not too sharp (and thus somewhat
>Texas macho redneck very well.)
>Peace, D. Mindock  P.S. I am no fan of Kerry, btw, but he would've been far
>gentler wrt environmental
>issues. I like Dennis Kucinich a whole lot.

Kucinich's human at least and he might conceivably have bucked the 
system, but I don't think it's possible - it's the system that has to 
go, 60 years and more of US foreign policy has to change. Under Gore 
or Kerry everyone would have slumbered on happily while the same old 
stuff went on and on for another 20 years or more, but the world 
simply can't take that. Bush is just about perfect, he's so 
absolutely in-your-face that he's gone and woken everyone up at last. 
And made them angry.

>... That's why last time round I was saying "Vote Bush!" (me
>and Gabriel Kolko), with fear and loathing...
>[Biofuel] The Coming Elections and the Future of American Global Power
>16 Sep 2004
>Re: off topic flame: Re: [Biofuel] 38 short hours to go
>4 Nov 2004

From: Re: [Biofuel] America Right or Wrong, 30 Dec 2005

Me and Kolko and Bin Laden, LOL!

Fear and loathing indeed - maybe it'll work, but will there be 
anything left? Ulp...



>...................................................----- Original 
>Message -----From: "Evergreen Solutions" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>Sent: 
>Friday, March 24, 2006 9:22 PMSubject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: "How To 
>Steal an Election"> KEITH!>> Finally. Someone else has said it...>> 
>"But Kerry, and Gore before him, would only have meant business as> 
>usual anyway,different band, same old song, everybody hates it. 
>Don't> you have any rock'n'roll?">>> While I certainly don't 
>advocate *not* voting, I'm glad someone has> pointed out that 
>alternative elected individuals would not have meant> a deviation 
>from the status quo.>> My vision for 15 years down the road....you 
>have to slide the barcode> of your governmentally issued ID to 
>vote....which of course contains> an stage-encrypted RFID and an 
>algorithym based off some sort of a> checksum against the DNA 
>information recorded on the ID.>>!
>  Don't get me wrong, nobody's getting my DNA w/o a fight.....>>

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