
March 21, 2006

For Robots, Fuel Cells That Double as Muscles 

Ray H. Baughman, a professor of chemistry at the
University of Texas 
at Dallas, has not built an android. He has not built
a brain or an 
eye or a robotic equivalent of some other complex body
Instead, he has built something that will also be
crucial for future 
androids: artificial muscles.

Today's crude humanoid robots already use gears,
pulleys and pistons 
to mimic the actions of muscles. But they are
electrically powered, 
requiring that they be plugged in and tethered by an
extension cord 
or powered by batteries, which drain quickly.

Dr. Baughman's advance, reported in the current issue
of the journal 
Science, is that his new muscle fibers double as fuel
cells. Just 
like real muscles, they power themselves instead of
relying on 
external electrical power. Chemical energy also
delivers a greater 

"The most advanced battery can only store only about
of the energy that is stored chemically in fuels such
as methanol," 
Dr. Baughman said.

He and his colleagues have made two types of
artificial muscles. One 
is a nickel-titanium alloy coated with platinum, which
causes the 
fuel — currently methanol, but hydrogen or alcohol
could work, too — 
to react with oxygen, producing heat. The metal
shrinks; the muscle 
flexes. The artificial muscle can apply 100 times as
much force as 
real muscle.

Dr. Baughman said the technology was simple enough
that it could 
find commercial applications in as few as three years.

The second artificial muscle, currently less powerful,
is made of a 
sheet of nanotubes, tiny but superstrong cylindrical
molecules of 
carbon. The reaction of fuel and oxygen releases
electrical charges 
that repel each other and cause the nanotube sheet to

To put such artificial muscles into robots will
require solving 
other problems, like how to control the amount of fuel
going to the 
muscles. "The analogy of a circulatory system is
really what's 
needed," Dr. Baughman said.

But for the future, he said, it is not entirely
far-fetched for an 
android to walk into a bar.


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