Look up liver flukes for some real fun.

Or Guinea worm...this I've seen when I was in Guinea.

Joe Street wrote:

> I think pork is more likely to have worms than beef.  Try googling 
> trichinosis, flukes and roundworms if IIRC are transmitted from eating 
> infected animals that are not cooked properly but I don't know if it 
> is beef related.  I have a book called "Parasites the enemy within" 
> which covers all this but it is not here ATM so I can't look it up.
> Joe
> bob allen wrote:
>>try as I might, I can find nothing in the chapters on line.  the only 
>>occurrence of "worm" is in 
>>regards to tapeworm transmission from chickens to cattle.  My son read the 
>>book a few months ago but 
>>doesn't recall anything about worms.  Lots of mention of various pathogenic 
>>bacteria, mostly e.coli 
>>variants, but I find nothing about worms.  Also the word worm is not in the 
>>further, googling red meat and worms, food borne worms, food and nematodes, 
>>and a bunch of other 
>>such terms doesn't produce anything that would imply the epidemiology you 
>>I am not convinced of the veracity of the claim.  I could be wrong, but 
>>nothing I can find supports 
>>the claim that 1 in 4 Americans have worms from red meat.
>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>Let me see if I can find my copy of Fast Food Nation...it's in
>>>>there...along with the primary resource.
>>>>If you haven't read the book, I highly suggest it...
>>>>As poignant as Michael Moore, w/o the fat, absurd mockery of truth.
>>>Here's this to be going on with.
>>>Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser -- Excerpts from the book:
>>>The Founding Fathers, Why the Fries Taste Good
>>>On the Range
>>>Cogs in the Great Machine
>>>The Most Dangerous Job
>>>What's in the Meat?, Global Realization
>>>All at:
>>>Fast-Food Nation: The True Cost Of America's Diet 
>>>By National Magazine Award winner Eric Schlosser
>>>Rolling Stone magazine (USA), Issue 794, September 3rd 1998 
>>>(Long - 29,000 words)
>>>The Cow Jumped Over the U.S.D.A.
>>>by Eric Schlosser [author of 'Fast Food Nation']
>>>January 2, 2004 The New York Times
>>>(dead link)
>>>Interview - 2000.12.14
>>>Unhappy meals
>>>Eric Schlosser, an award-winning investigative journalist, uncovers 
>>>the "dark side of the all-American meal"
>>>December 14, 2000
>>>A passage from Fast Food Nation, journalist Eric Schlosser's 
>>>investigation of the fast-food industry, offers the following 
>>>behind-the-scenes look at the all-American meal:
>>>The safety of the food seemed to be determined more by the 
>>>personality of the manager on duty than by the written policies of 
>>>the chain. Many workers would not eat anything at their restaurant 
>>>unless they'd made it themselves. A Taco Bell employee said that food 
>>>dropped on the floor was often picked up and served. An Arby's 
>>>employee told me that one kitchen worker never washed his hands at 
>>>work after doing engine repairs on his car. And several employees at 
>>>the same McDonald's restaurant in Colorado Springs independently 
>>>provided details about a cockroach infestation in the milk-shake 
>>>machine and about armies of mice that urinated and defecated on 
>>>hamburger rolls left out to thaw in the kitchen every night.
>>>Fast Food Nation:
>>>The Dark Side of the All-American Meal
>>>by Eric Schlosser
>>>Houghton Mifflin
>>>288 pages, $20
>>>Schlosser's book is not just a compendium of kitchen horror stories. 
>>>In clean, sober prose packed with facts, he strips away the carefully 
>>>crafted feel-good veneer of fast food and shows how the industry's 
>>>astounding success has been achieved, and is sustained, at an equally 
>>>astounding cost-to the nation's health, environment, economy, and 
>>>Nineteen-forties Southern California, with its recent population 
>>>explosion, thriving car culture, and post-war economic boom, is the 
>>>setting for the opening scene of this far-reaching narrative. It was 
>>>in San Bernadino, in 1948, that Richard and Maurice McDonald invented 
>>>the Speedee Service System, pioneering the idea that assembly-line 
>>>efficiency could be imported into a commercial kitchen, and giving 
>>>rise to the fast-food restaurant. Schlosser chronicles the early days 
>>>of the industry, when it was populated by self-made entrepreneurs who 
>>>pursued the American dream with good old-fashioned ingenuity and hard 
>>>work. Among these was Ray Kroc, who bought out the McDonald brothers 
>>>and became the driving force behind the hamburger empire that is now 
>>>the world's most recognizable brand name.
>>>The first part of Fast Food Nation looks inside this industry that 
>>>"both feeds and feeds off the young." Trailblazers in developing 
>>>marketing strategies to target children, the fast-food chains have 
>>>even infiltrated the nation's schools through lunchroom franchises 
>>>and special advertising packages that answer public education's need 
>>>for funds. Schlosser then takes us "behind the counter" in Colorado 
>>>Springs, a typical American suburb overtaken by sprawl, where 
>>>teenagers-perfect candidates for low-paying, low-skilled, short-term 
>>>jobs-constitute a large part of the fast-food chains' workforce.
>>>In the second half of the book Schlosser examines the ripple effects 
>>>of the fast-food industry's entrenchment in American life. "The fast 
>>>food chains now stand atop a huge food-industrial complex that has 
>>>gained control of American agriculture," he writes. The industry's 
>>>massive demand for beef has led to the industrialization of 
>>>cattle-raising and meatpacking, which has crippled independent 
>>>ranchers and given rise to "rural ghettos" around meatpacking plants. 
>>>The conditions in the big slaughterhouses pose a grave threat to 
>>>worker safety. Schlosser also discloses shocking details about the 
>>>industry's impact on public health. (One memorable study concludes 
>>>that there is more fecal bacteria in the average American kitchen 
>>>sink than on the average American toilet seat.) With respect to both 
>>>worker safety and food safety, the meatpacking industry, Schlosser 
>>>contends, has shrugged off accusations of negligence and used its 
>>>considerable political clout to disable any attempts at meaningful 
>>>government regulation. Today the USDA has startlingly little control 
>>>over the detection of pathogens in meat and the distribution of 
>>>contaminated meat.
>>>Schlosser also reports on other trends attendant upon the enormous 
>>>growth of the fast-food industry, including the homogenization of the 
>>>landscape, a rise in obesity, and the development of a robust flavor 
>>>industry. The chapter on the flavor industry, a modified version of 
>>>which appears in The Atlantic's January issue, reveals the 
>>>extraordinary extent to which the smell and taste of modern foods 
>>>originate in a test tube.
>>>Eric Schlosser is a correspondent for The Atlantic. His two-part 
>>>series examining the enforcement of marijuana laws in America, 
>>>"Reefer Madness" and "Marijuana and the Law" (August and September, 
>>>1994), won a National Magazine Award for reporting, and he received a 
>>>Sidney Hillman Foundation award for his article about California's 
>>>strawberry industry, "In the Strawberry Fields" (November 1995). He 
>>>has also written about the families of homicide victims, the 
>>>"prison-industrial complex," and the pornography business. Fast Food 
>>>Nation is his first book. Julia Livshin recently interviewed him by 
>>>phone and e-mail for Atlantic Unbound.
>>>Eric Schlosser  
>>>You write that the market for fast food in the United States is 
>>>becoming increasingly saturated. What sort of future do you see for 
>>>the fast-food industry? Might it become obsolete?
>>>That's a very good question. In a way, the future of the fast-food 
>>>industry is tied to the future of this country. If we continue to 
>>>allow the growth of a low-wage service economy, one in which unions 
>>>are weak and workers have little say about their working 
>>>conditions-well, then the fast-food chains will have a bright future. 
>>>On the other hand, if we bring the minimum wage up to the level it 
>>>was thirty years ago, in real terms, and we enforce the rules about 
>>>overtime, and make it easier to organize service workers, the 
>>>fast-food chains will have to change their business model. Or go out 
>>>of business. Access to cheap labor, and a lot of it, has been crucial 
>>>to their success.
>>>I also think that the desire for uniformity and cheapness and 
>>>reassurance that the American people have had over the last two 
>>>decades, which has really helped the fast-food chains, could wane. 
>>>People may become more concerned about what they're eating and reject 
>>>the idea that everything should be the same everywhere they go. The 
>>>chains are in a vulnerable position right now, if only because 
>>>they've expanded so far and wide across the country that they're 
>>>already reaching the limits of demand for fast food. And if there's a 
>>>different consciousness in this country, something less conformist, 
>>>they may really be in trouble.
>>> From an economic standpoint, are the fast-food chains providing 
>>>something valuable?
>>>Well, there's no question that they're providing jobs for millions of 
>>>people. At the same time, how good is it ultimately for society to 
>>>have jobs that are short-term and that essentially provide no 
>>>training? You could argue that for some teenagers short-term jobs are 
>>>a good thing as a source of extra income. But I would argue that 
>>>there should be a major restructuring of the fast-food industry's 
>>>employment practices so that these aren't just make-work jobs but 
>>>jobs that actually provide a meaningful kind of training. For the 
>>>poorest, most disadvantaged people in this society, simply having a 
>>>job and having some kind of structure in their lives can be useful. 
>>>But given the tremendous impact that these companies have on our 
>>>workforce, they can and should provide more than just a place to show 
>>>up every day. Another thing that's important to consider is the sort 
>>>of work that these fast-food jobs have replaced. The old diners and 
>>>hamburger stands relied on skilled short-order cooks. If you look at 
>>>the restaurant industry as a whole, jobs at fast-food chains are the 
>>>lowest paying and have the highest turnover rate. So to the degree 
>>>that the fast-food companies have grown and thrived and replaced more 
>>>traditional eating places, they have encouraged the rise of a 
>>>workforce that is poor, transient, and unskilled.
>>>Same question from the standpoint of food. Fast food is convenient 
>>>and cheap. Is the fast-food industry providing a valuable service by 
>>>catering to the consumer needs of a certain segment of society?
>>>There's no question that fast food is inexpensive and easily 
>>>accessible. For people who don't have time to prepare meals, for 
>>>households in which both parents work, there's no question it 
>>>provides a service. But again, at what cost? As I say in the book, 
>>>the real cost never appears on the menu. The fast-food companies have 
>>>directed a large amount of their marketing at low-income communities. 
>>>They are serving extremely high-fat food to people who are at the 
>>>greatest risk of the health consequences from obesity. They could be 
>>>selling low cost food that doesn't have the same health consequences, 
>>>especially for children. The fast-food chains, with their kids' meals 
>>>and Happy Meals, are creating eating habits that will last a 
>>>lifetime. And by heavily marketing unhealthy foods to low-income 
>>>children they are encouraging health problems among the segment of 
>>>the population that can least afford them.
>>>If you see a change for the better taking place, do you envision 
>>>these same companies changing their own policies about what they're 
>>>going to be marketing and holding their suppliers to more stringent 
>>>food production standards, or do you see a whole new industry taking 
>>>I think it'll be determined by how easily these companies can change. 
>>>The McDonald's Corporation, at the moment, in many ways reminds me of 
>>>the Soviet-era Kremlin. I was unable to get a single question 
>>>answered after weeks of calling them, e-mailing them, and faxing 
>>>them. It was what I imagine it must have been like dealing with the 
>>>old Communist Party bureaucrats. Can the McDonald's Corporation 
>>>remake itself into a company that behaves ethically, has a stronger 
>>>social conscience, and changes its menu? That remains to be seen. It 
>>>may be that new companies will emerge, embodying a different set of 
>>>values, selling better and healthier food.
>>>Both this book about fast food and your article about strawberry 
>>>picking are concerned with the plight of workers in these industries. 
>>>How did you get interested in labor issues?
>>>There are strong connections between the strawberry article and this 
>>>book. The workers that I met in the meatpacking plants in Colorado 
>>>and Nebraska were the same kinds of people that I met in the 
>>>strawberry fields of California. Many of the meatpacking workers that 
>>>I met in Colorado and Nebraska had previously been farm workers in 
>>>California. They'd come to the High Plains because there was a 
>>>shortage of work in the fields in California and because the pay 
>>>promised to be higher in Colorado and Nebraska. Although I was 
>>>appalled at the lives of California's migrant farm workers and the 
>>>injuries they suffer, what's happening in meatpacking plants in 
>>>Colorado and Nebraska, in Kansas and Texas, is even worse. It's 
>>>criminal. These are poor immigrants, few of them speak English, and a 
>>>large proportion are illiterate. They are peasants, manual laborers 
>>>from rural villages in Mexico and Guatemala. When they get badly hurt 
>>>in these meatpacking plants, which happens all the time, they're 
>>>unable to do manual labor the same way ever again. They are 
>>>permanently prevented from earning an income the way that they have 
>>>earned an income their whole lives.
>>>Much of this book builds upon what I learned in California's 
>>>strawberry fields. My interest in the subject of immigrant labor 
>>>began in the mid 1990s when there was a growing anti-immigrant 
>>>movement in California. Illegal immigrants were being blamed for all 
>>>of the state's economic problems. And I instinctively felt that 
>>>couldn't be right, because it seemed to me that the largest industry 
>>>in the state-agriculture-was benefiting enormously from illegal 
>>>immigrants. Today there's a vast underclass of migrant workers in 
>>>this country. We've had a migrant agricultural workforce for more 
>>>than a century. But for the first time we're developing a migrant 
>>>industrial workforce. This has ominous implications for workers in 
>>>other industries. Until the late 1970s, meatpacking was one of the 
>>>highest paid industrial jobs in the United States. And then the 
>>>Reagan and Bush administrations stood aside and allowed the 
>>>meatpacking industry to bust unions, to hire strikebreakers and 
>>>scabs, to not only hire illegal immigrants for these jobs, but to 
>>>transport them here from Mexico in company buses. Now meatpacking is 
>>>one of the nation's lowest paying industrial jobs, as well as the 
>>>most dangerous. I'm sure other companies, in other industries, are 
>>>contemplating the same tactics. And it just can't be allowed.
>>>You expose some shocking things about the fast-food and meatpacking 
>>>industries. Did you encounter any resistance when researching this 
>>>book? Were people hesitant to speak with you?
>>>People were very afraid to speak with me. These meatpacking towns in 
>>>the High Plains, in Colorado and Nebraska, are really company towns 
>>>in a way that almost harkens back to the nineteenth century. The 
>>>meatpacking companies are the biggest employer and most influential 
>>>employer in town. The workers are often fearful, and rightly so, 
>>>because so many are illegal immigrants. So it was hard getting access 
>>>to some of these people and getting them to talk. At the same time, 
>>>their fear was counterbalanced by their pain, and by their anger at 
>>>how they're being treated. Once they felt confident about what I was 
>>>doing and why I was doing it, they were very open with me. Many of 
>>>them were very brave.
>>>How about the officials at the meatpacking firms and the fast-food chains?
>>>On the whole, they were cordial to me. Some of the fast-food 
>>>executives and franchisees I met were honorable, good people. Yet at 
>>>the same time, these are tough companies that do not like to be 
>>>criticized. So it will be interesting to see if any of them sue me 
>>>for libel. My book was thoroughly fact-checked and carefully reviewed 
>>>by a number of attorneys before publication. But the meatpacking 
>>>industry sure went after Oprah Winfrey a few years ago. And even 
>>>though she won her case, the Texas law under which she was sued-one 
>>>of the "veggie libel laws," as they're called-is still on the books. 
>>>The meatpacking industry has strongly supported these laws, which 
>>>forbid defamation of agricultural products. Over the past decade, 
>>>about a dozen states have made it illegal to criticize agricultural 
>>>commodities in a manner that's inconsistent with "reasonable" 
>>>scientific evidence. Basically, they give agribusiness companies the 
>>>ability to threaten critics with expensive lawsuits. In Texas, a man 
>>>was sued for criticizing the quality of a sod company's lawns. In 
>>>Colorado, breaking the veggie libel law is now a criminal offense. If 
>>>you say or write the wrong thing about the meat being produced in 
>>>that state, you could be convicted of a felony.
>>>What exactly did Oprah Winfrey say?
>>>I believe she did a show in which one of the guests discussed the 
>>>risk of various illnesses, including mad-cow disease, posed by ground 
>>>beef in the United States. Some people in the meatpacking industry 
>>>felt that ground beef was being defamed, and she was sued in Texas, 
>>>where they thought there'd be a sympathetic jury. I think the 
>>>meatpacking industry made a huge tactical mistake by suing the most 
>>>popular woman in the United States, who under the First Amendment had 
>>>every right to be talking about the things she was talking about. 
>>>Oprah won the case, but a defendant with less charisma-and less money 
>>>to spend on lawyers-could easily have lost.
>>>Writing in the September 1998 issue of The Atlantic about mad-cow 
>>>disease, Ellen Ruppel Shell noted, "[M]ost of the conditions thought 
>>>to have led to the epidemic in Britain also existed here. Despite 
>>>official protestations to the contrary, and despite regulatory 
>>>changes recently implemented, some of them still do. Given current 
>>>agricultural practices, avoiding an American outbreak of this disease 
>>>may be only a matter of chance. The question is, how lucky do we 
>>>feel?" Now, five years later, mad-cow disease has resurfaced in 
>>>Europe, creating widespread panic. What are your thoughts about the 
>>>probability of an American outbreak?
>>>Ellen Ruppel Shell's article was terrific. So how lucky should we 
>>>feel, right now, in December of 2000? Extremely lucky. But there are 
>>>so many unknown factors about this disease, and how it's spread, and 
>>>how long it incubates, that our luck may run out. Cattle in the 
>>>United States are still being fed cattle blood, as well as rendered 
>>>livestock wastes from hog slaughterhouses. They're still being fed 
>>>dead horses. And poultry in the United States are routinely being fed 
>>>the rendered waste from cattle slaughterhouses. The potential for 
>>>this pathogen to jump from species to species exists. Somehow it 
>>>might wind up infecting people. We've taken a big risk by turning 
>>>ruminants into unwitting cannibals and carnivores. The European Union 
>>>is now banning the use of all slaughterhouse wastes in animal feed. 
>>>We should do the same thing, immediately.
>>>Do you think there's a false sense of security, that people in this 
>>>country assume that since there's a food safety system in place it 
>>>must be effective?
>>>With each new E. coli outbreak there is a greater anxiety about the 
>>>food that we eat. But there's still an enormous lack of awareness 
>>>about how our food-safety system works and how the meatpacking 
>>>industry has been able to work it. The industry has for years spread 
>>>large sums of money throughout the political process. And the USDA 
>>>has always had close ties to the industry. If you look back at Teddy 
>>>Roosevelt's campaign against the meatpacking industry, you'll find 
>>>that the same battle has been fought now for almost a century. It's a 
>>>battle to get this industry to assume responsibility for the meat 
>>>that it sells. Automobile companies are held responsible for cars 
>>>that are fundamentally defective, that explode on impact, etc. But 
>>>the meatpacking industry has, with remarkable success, fought every 
>>>attempt to make it liable for the sale of contaminated, potentially 
>>>deadly, meat.
>>>Very few people realize that the U.S. government does not have the 
>>>power to order the recall of contaminated meat. The Clinton 
>>>administration made a sincere effort to reform the nation's 
>>>food-safety and inspection program, but the Republicans in Congress 
>>>were determined to impede any major overhaul of the system. So what 
>>>we wound up with is a watered-down food-safety system. One of the 
>>>most remarkable things is that meatpacking companies today are 
>>>routinely testing their meat for dangerous pathogens, but don't have 
>>>to reveal the results of these tests to the government. A recent 
>>>investigation by the Inspector General of the USDA suggested that 
>>>companies are shipping meat that they've tested and that they know to 
>>>be contaminated. By not revealing the test results to the USDA, 
>>>they're able to ship this meat. It's incredible what is being sold in 
>>>supermarkets throughout the country as we speak.
>>>You warn that "Anyone who brings raw ground beef into his or her 
>>>kitchen today must regard it as a potential biohazard, one that may 
>>>carry an extremely dangerous microbe, infectious at an extremely low 
>>>dose." And you say that the levels of poultry contamination are even 
>>>higher. How would you respond to someone who has always eaten poultry 
>>>and ground beef, has never been sick, and who might perceive this as 
>>>I don't think that I'm being an alarmist. I'm just letting people 
>>>know what's in their meat. There's no question that the level of 
>>>contamination in poultry is much, much higher, and the level in 
>>>ground turkey is highest of all. The pathogens most commonly found in 
>>>poultry-Salmonella and Campylobacter-are not as deadly, relatively 
>>>speaking, as the E. coli 0157:H7 that turns up in ground beef. Keep 
>>>in mind, though, that every year about 30,000 Americans are 
>>>hospitalized for Salmonella and Campylobacter infections they got 
>>>from tainted food. And when the Centers for Disease Control says that 
>>>there are about 76 million cases of food poisoning in the United 
>>>States every year, that's not being alarmist. That's a fact.
>>>As for people who think they've never been sickened by ground beef or 
>>>poultry, my response would be: how do you know? The symptoms of food 
>>>poisoning often don't appear for days after the contaminated meal was 
>>>eaten. As a result, most cases of food poisoning are never properly 
>>>diagnosed. There may be some people with cast-iron stomachs who never 
>>>get sick, and good for them. But there are millions of people, 
>>>especially children and the elderly, who are extremely vulnerable to 
>>>foodborne pathogens.
>>>By the way, I'm not a vegetarian. I have a lot of respect for people 
>>>who are vegetarian for religious or ethical reasons. Despite 
>>>everything I saw and learned while researching this book, I'm still a 
>>>meat eater. But I don't eat ground beef anymore. I've seen where it 
>>>comes from and how it's now being made. One of my favorite dishes in 
>>>the world used to be steak tartare, which is raw ground beef seasoned 
>>>and then served. I think you'd have to be a great thrill-seeker or 
>>>out of your mind to eat steak tartare today.
>>>Just about anywhere. It's unfortunate, but the meat that's being 
>>>served in fast-food restaurants by the big chains has been more 
>>>heavily tested than much of the meat that's being sold in 
>>>supermarkets. And this pathogen, E. coli 0157:H7, is very hearty. It 
>>>lives on kitchen-counter surfaces for days, and the consequences of 
>>>being infected by it can be truly disastrous. So you have to be very 
>>>careful when you bring ground beef into your home. That's a sad fact 
>>>for hamburger lovers, but it's true.
>>>Is it a question of making sure you're cooking it sufficiently?
>>>It's not just a question of how you cook it. It's a question of how 
>>>you handle it. Anything that the juices of ground beef touch needs to 
>>>be thoroughly cleaned, and that includes your hands. And again, I've 
>>>been into these meatpacking plants, I've been into the processing 
>>>plants, I've spoken to people who have lost children to E. coli 
>>>0157:H7, and it did not create in me a Howard Hughes-like fear of 
>>>germs. There are harmful bacteria everywhere and you have to live 
>>>life fully and you have to eat and you have to shake hands. You could 
>>>go insane worrying about germs. At the same time, there are certain 
>>>things that our government could be doing and there are certain 
>>>precautions that people can be taking that are just common sense. 
>>>Right now ground beef happens to be a product that may be 
>>>contaminated with a deadly pathogen, and people should be very 
>>>careful about how they handle it in their homes. Someone from the CDC 
>>>told me that the hamburger is a fairly recent invention. And the way 
>>>that ground beef has been prepared for centuries often involves a 
>>>long, slow, thorough cooking, as in Bolognese sauce. Cook your ground 
>>>beef well-or don't eat it. That's my advice.
>>>In the book you quote Upton Sinclair's famous statement about The 
>>>Jungle's reception: "I aimed for the public's heart, and by accident 
>>>I hit it in the stomach." While successful in igniting a 
>>>public-health scandal, which led to the enactment of food-safety 
>>>legislation, Sinclair's expose did nothing to improve the plight of 
>>>packinghouse workers. If you had to choose, which of the issues in 
>>>Fast Food Nation do you personally feel most strongly about? Where, 
>>>in your opinion, is the need for regulatory action most urgent?
>>>Well, ideally, you'd hit both. There is an immediate instinct in most 
>>>people to worry first about themselves, and that's totally 
>>>understandable and natural. A large part of the book pertains to food 
>>>safety and what's in the meat and what we're eating and what the 
>>>consequences are. It's much more of a challenge to try to get readers 
>>>to care about other people, about poor and exploited people who are 
>>>in need of help. I hope the section on meatpacking workers will bring 
>>>some attention to and empathy for their plight. Of greatest immediate 
>>>concern to me are the forty to fifty thousand meatpacking workers who 
>>>are being injured every year and the roughly one hundred thousand 
>>>Americans, mainly children and the elderly, who are being sickened by 
>>>dangerous E. coli such as 0157:H7. There are some very simple steps 
>>>that could be taken very quickly that would reduce the number of 
>>>injuries in meatpacking and reduce the number of food poisoning cases 
>>>in the United States. This isn't rocket science. It's technologies 
>>>and procedures that could be implemented if not tomorrow then next 
>>>month. The tragedy is they're not being implemented right now because 
>>>of complacency and greed.
>>>For example?
>>>Well, to improve worker safety, there could be an immediate and tough 
>>>crackdown on the meatpacking companies by OSHA (the Occupational 
>>>Safety and Health Administration) and strict enforcement of the 
>>>worker safety laws that we already have. The easiest step would be to 
>>>slow down the production line. The big beef slaughterhouses in this 
>>>country process between 300 and 375, sometimes up to 400 cattle an 
>>>hour. In Western Europe slaughterhouses tend to slaughter 75 to 100 
>>>cattle an hour. In Australia it's about 115. The number of injuries 
>>>at a plant is often directly related to the speed of the line, so the 
>>>first thing would be to force these companies to slow down their 
>>>production lines.
>>>As for food safety, the meatpacking companies should be held strictly 
>>>accountable for the products that they sell. Manufacturers of stuffed 
>>>animals are held accountable. The government can force them to recall 
>>>stuffed animals that are defective and that might choke children. In 
>>>the same way, the meatpacking companies should be held accountable 
>>>for the sale of contaminated meat. There should be legislation passed 
>>>immediately that gives the federal government the power to recall 
>>>tainted meat. It should not be up to the meatpacking companies to 
>>>issue voluntarily recalls. The federal government should also be 
>>>given the power to impose large civil fines on meatpacking companies 
>>>that knowingly ship tainted meat. We should also reorganize the 
>>>food-safety system in the United States so that there is a single 
>>>food-safety agency, like there is in many Western European countries. 
>>>About a dozen federal agencies have jurisdiction over food safety 
>>>right now. The Department of Agriculture is in charge not only of 
>>>inspecting our meat, but also of promoting its sale. There's an 
>>>inherent conflict of interest. We need an independent food-safety 
>>>agency whose first priority is public health.
>>>In the epilogue you say that the likelihood of such regulatory 
>>>legislation being passed is slim.
>>>When I wrote the epilogue last spring, the odds were slim. Now 
>>>they're just about down to none. The meatpacking and restaurant 
>>>industries work closely with the right-wing Republicans in Congress. 
>>>Nevertheless, at some point, if enough people demand change and 
>>>enough pressure is applied, these things could happen. What I'm 
>>>afraid of is that it might take another large outbreak and a lot of 
>>>children getting sick for Congress to act.
>>>In the epilogue of the book I also talk about the most immediate way 
>>>to bring about change, which is through pressure put on the fast-food 
>>>chains. At the moment the industry is remarkably responsive to 
>>>consumer demand because the market for fast food is highly saturated 
>>>and all of the chains are worried about holding on to their 
>>>customers. The McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest 
>>>purchaser of beef. I have no doubt that if McDonald's told its 
>>>suppliers to change their labor practices or their food-safety 
>>>practices, they would do so-without much delay. Earlier this year, in 
>>>response to protests by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of 
>>>Animals), McDonald's imposed new rules on its suppliers specifying 
>>>how livestock should be raised and slaughtered, stressing the humane 
>>>treatment of animals. The rules set forth how much living space hogs 
>>>and chickens should be provided, that sort of thing. Well, I'd like 
>>>McDonald's to take the same sort of interest in the ethical treatment 
>>>of human beings-in the working conditions and the dangers faced by 
>>>the people who make their Big Macs.
>>>Looking back at the social impact of journalism at the beginning of 
>>>the twentieth century, do you believe that investigative journalism 
>>>today has the same power to effect change?
>>>I'd like to think that it could because that's why I do what I do. At 
>>>the same time, there are very few places today that are willing to 
>>>publish serious investigative journalism. The Atlantic is not only 
>>>the best at it, but one of the last. And it's very hard to get 
>>>readers to care about these subjects. Whatever you write is launched 
>>>into a political climate, and the political climate for the last 
>>>twenty years has not been greatly concerned with many of the social 
>>>issues that concerned people at the turn of the century.
>>>The food safety issue affects everyone. Whatever your political 
>>>affiliation, you have to eat. But it's much more difficult these days 
>>>to get readers to care about people who look different from them, 
>>>speak a different language. I have absolutely no doubt that if the 
>>>meatpacking workers being crippled and maimed today were blond-haired 
>>>and blue-eyed, there'd be enormous public outrage. People wouldn't 
>>>stand for it. This may sound corny, but the time I've spent among 
>>>migrant farm workers and meatpacking workers has strengthened my 
>>>belief that all these racial and ethnic distinctions and divisions 
>>>are absurd. Again and again I've felt a sense of common humanity, of 
>>>"there but for the grace of God go I." A lot of my writing has tried 
>>>to give a voice to people outside of the mainstream. I don't expect 
>>>my sort of journalism to change the world, but if it can add some 
>>>shred of empathy or understanding or compassion, if it can convey a 
>>>fraction of what I've seen and learned, it's well worth doing.
>>>Join the conversation in the Politics & Society conference of Post & Riposte.
>>>More interviews in Atlantic Unbound.
>>>More on books in Atlantic Unbound and The Atlantic Monthly.
>>>Julia Livshin reads manuscripts for The Atlantic Monthly.
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